For Sophomores Only: The Chappell-Lougee Scholarship

The Chappell-Lougee Scholarship provides funding for full-time immersive projects in the humanities, creative arts, and qualitative social sciences during the summer after your sophomore year. Recent successful projects have ranged from studying radio broadcasts in India, to examining the resurgence of a local farm movement, to writing a graphic novel about Katrina-displaced Vietnamese in Texas, to making a film in Barcelona.

Some students use the Chappell Lougee as preparation for a later honors research project, while others seize the opportunity to step outside the bounds of their major. Recipients become members of a scholarly mentoring community. This includes special events, preparing for a capstone project or honors, fellowships and graduate school advising.

Info Sessions Fall 2015

Consider attending an information session to get additional guidance on applying, or if you are a freshman who is interested in the possibility for next year. Although the December 1 deadline may feel far away, it takes a significant amount of time to develop a strong proposal, which requires conversations with your faculty mentor and an extensive cycle of reading and writing.

Getting Started

If you have a project in mind that may fit the Chappell-Lougee, the first two steps are to talk to your Academic Advising Director about your ideas, and to identify potential faculty members who might mentor your project. Although you apply in fall of sophomore year, such conversations may begin in the freshman year, or during the summer between freshman and sophomore year. You can use the summer before sophomore year to do additional background reading on your topic and strengthen your proposal. We offer more advice on developing a project here.


Expect a deadline in early December, which means you need to get moving as soon as you come back to school in September. Applications go through the UAR Grant Application process, which your Academic Advising Director can help you navigate.

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