Project Timelines

UAR Student Grants: Project Possibilities Video


No two students follow an identical path to developing their own research, arts, or synthesis projects. Nonetheless, starting and completing a project at certain key junctures would place you in a good position for certain opportunities ahead. For example, students who wish to complete an honors thesis will benefit from starting their research experiences relatively early. Similarly, students who wish to pursue graduate arts or research degrees  will find it helpful to develop their creative portfolios or research theses and papers as samples of their undergraduate work.

Planning a project:

  • Decide when you want to begin: If you have a clearly defined interest, you may be raring to go. If you take some time to explore your academic and personal interests, you may discover an area of study previously unknown to you prior to your arrival at Stanford.

  • Determine the amount of time you will devote to the project: The scope of your project depends on the time and resources that you have.

  • As you explore possible project topics, consider taking courses that introduce you to the scholarly methods or techniques that lay the groundwork for your project.

  • Get advice on the needs of a project: Some fields of study and some faculty mentors require that students have some depth of knowledge or skills from prior course work before they begin their projects. Some faculty mentors will encourage you to start and learn the ropes along the way. Seek advice from faculty or department advisors in your field to prepare yourself in a timely manner for the work you wish to do.

Will your project involve international travel?

  • Seek guidance from a faculty mentor familiar with the region that you will be working in.

  • Take a course that prepares you for the cultural and safety issues that you should be aware of as you embark on your project.

  • Plan ahead to take the language courses needed to help you reach a level of proficiency to engage in meaningful work on location.

What if your project requires funding?

  • Be aware that grants have deadlines, and you will need to plan ahead to apply for funding ahead of time.

  • If you plan to apply for a UAR Student Grant, consult the grant writing timeline.