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Urban Education Concentration

Two students

Providing education that is both high in quality and fair to all is one of the greatest challenges facing cities today. 

This concentration prepares students for careers in educational policy and practice.  It is a popular choice for students who have been admitted by the Stanford School of Education to pursue a coterminal master’s degree in the Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP) or the Policy, Organization, and Leadership Studies Program (POLS).


The advisor for this concentration is David Labaree.  (Email) (Read more

Special Programs and Opportunities

Application and admission to a coterminal degree in the School of Education’s STEP and POLS programs occurs during the Autumn Quarter of the junior year and is handled by the School of Education. Students planning to pursue a coterminal master’s should take one of the three practica: EDUC 103A, B, and C (for the STEP elementary coterm); EDUC 101X (for the STEP secondary coterm); or EDUC 270A (for the POLS coterm).

Opportunities to obtain teaching and advising experience are available in nearby schools through programs administered by the Haas Center for Public Service and through courses offered by the School of Education.

Students who choose this concentration may be eligible for the undergraduate honors program of the School of Education , in which case they should enroll in EDUC 199A,B, or C during their senior year.

Required Course

EDUC 112X Urban Education (3-4 units)                                                                                                                

Additional Courses

Courses in the concentration (including the required course and additional courses) must total at least 20 units. Please consult with your advisor to select a program of courses that suits your intellectual and personal goals.

For additional courses that count toward this concentration, search here.

If a course has not already been approved for a concentration, you may petition to count it by submitting this form to your advisor.