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Emergency Assembly Point (EAP) Locations
(These link to maps offered by SU Facilities Operations.)

EAP Location Map (Adobe Acrobat file)
EAP Locations for Residential Leaseholders Map (Adobe Acrobat file)

List of Buildings and EAP Locations
Sorted by building name
Sorted by building number

How EAPs are Created at Stanford University

A new development process for establishing or relocating Emergency Assembly Points (EAPs) was established in 1997, and new EAP signage is being installed on campus. EAP locations are determined or adjusted by the University Fire Marshal’s Office at EH&S based on the following criteria:

EAPs are:

  • Open areas that are away from buildings (a minimum of 40’)
  • Easily and safely accessible
  • Large enough to accommodate all building occupants
  • Located away from power lines, poles, trees, gas lines, and vehicles
  • Accessible to emergency medical personnel (but EAPs must not obstruct firefighters’ access routes or block fire protection equipment such as hydrants or pumper connections)

    (*) Adjustments may be warranted due to differences in height, size and occupancy classifications of individual buildings. Final determinations on EAP sites are made by the University Fire Marshal in consultation with affected departments.

Stanford EAPs are denoted by a symbol having a blue triangle enclosed in a white circle. There are currently 115 EAPs, and signposts are being installed to note their campus locations.


For more information about emergency preparedness at Stanford, call us at 723-0448 or email EH&S