
Quiet Swim Girls

Leave of Absence: (LOA)
SCRA Members may petition to take a Leave of Absence (LOA) from the club for a minimum of six months and a maximum of two years (except in the case of government service). Typically LOA are granted to those on university approved sabbaticals leaving the area and not accessing the club during this time.

During this time, the Member does not have responsibility to pay monthly dues nor do they have the right to vote on club policy. Members petitioning for an LOA must do so in writing specifying the start date, duration, and nature of their leave providing documentation from department or university confirming leave.

Members are responsible for the payment of dues until a Leave of Absence is approved by management.

Resignations of membership:
Notice of resignation must be made in written letter form or by approved communications dated & signed mailing or drop off to front office SCRA 875 Bowdoin Street Stanford, CA 94305 attention SCRA Management Office with effective date of resignation and reason for resignation. Members should be in good standing upon resignation otherwise re-joining at a later date may be denied.


Note: If SCRA receives the notice before the 3rd of the month, the resignation is effective as of the 1st. Notification after the 3rd makes resignation effective at the end of the month.


Members are responsible for the payment of dues, initiation fees, program fees, guest fees or any other outstanding balances upon resignation letter being received to maintain membership in good standing.

Change of Status:
Notice of change of status must be made in writing to SCRA. If you become emeritus or your status changes in anyway it is the responsiblity of the member to notify SCRA Management in writting before a change of dues rate is in effect. If SCRA receives the notice before the 3rd of the month, the change is effective as of the 1st. Notification after the 3rd makes change of status effective at the end of the month.

Mailed or drop off written or typed letters by mail to SCRA 875 Bowdoin Street Stanford, CA 94305.
Submit letters requesting a Leave of Absence (LOA), declaring a resignation or change of status (Regular to Emeritus) to:

General Manager/Steve Robe
875 Bowdoin Street
Stanford, CA 94305

Eligibility  |  Guests  |  Resignations  | 

  SCRA, 875 Bowdoin, Stanford, CA 94305 - webmaster