Fingate Account Structure / Funds Management > PTA Manager & PTA Maintenance > Status & Updates

Status and Updates

How Do I Stay Informed about PTA Manager and PTA Maintenance?

The PTA Manager and PTA Maintenance user mailing lists include all staff with access to PTA Manager and PTA Maintenance. The mailing lists will be used to communicate:

  • New system features
  • Planned system downtime
  • Process change
  • System issues
  • Training opportunities

Updates will also be posted here. Visit the PTA Manager and PTA Maintenance web site regularly.

Description Release Date
Request PTA: Search results can now be downloaded/exported to Microsoft Excel

Search results on the Transaction Search screen can now be exported or downloaded to Excel.
June 30, 2014
Request PTA: Existing Project-Task names and numbers now display when setting up PTA Configuration

When either 'Create New Project, Task' or 'Create New Task' is selected, a new Existing Project-Task Information section displays below the PTA Configuration selection and entry fields.
May 5, 2014

Maintain PTA: Search function now available for Scheduled Updates within the PTA Maintenance module

A new Scheduled Update Search section now displays above the existing Scheduled Attribute Changes section. Criteria entered in the search section allows for filtering of Scheduled Attribute Changes using these search parameters:

  • Transaction ID
  • Initiator
  • Project Number
  • Task Number
  • Award Number
May 5, 2014

New PTA Maintenance Module within the PTA Manager System

The current ePTA Maintenance application will be replaced with a PTA Maintenance module within the PTA Manager system. Improvements in the new PTA Maintenance module include:

  • System identification of invalid Manager and Non-Sponsored Owner values, and automatic notification to the appropriate system users;
  • An additional Limited authority role, in which users can only update manager value and the email notification flag; and,
  • A larger list of attributes that users can edit

Also, the new system will enable those who have both PTA Manager and Maintenance responsibilities to see Maintenance transactions on the PTA Manager dashboard.

Note:  The ePTA Maintenance application will be retired with the February implementation of the PTA Maintenance module.

February 10, 2014

Partial Save for Award, Project and Task Entry Screens

Partial Save in the Edit Award, Project and Task screens is now available. Before the update, users could not save partial entries; correctly entered information would be lost if the remainder of the fields were incorrect or unknown, causing the user to have to start over. Now users can enter partial data, save and go back to edit at a later time. A user can also use this functionality to partially complete data and re-assign to another user for completion.

February 25, 2013

Email Notifications

Email notification will now be sent:

  • To all users, anytime a new transaction enters the user's 'Requiring your Action' tab.
  • To initiators, when an Approver or Fund Accountant cancels a transaction that they requested, including the reason for the cancellation.
  • To all users alerting them of transactions that have been sitting in their 'requiring your action' tab. The alerts will start for transactions 150 days or older transaction. Emails will then be sent alerting users of transactions 150 days or older, then subsequently move to 50, 25, 7 and then remain at 3 days.

Note:  To help with this initiative, please take the time to process or terminate any transactions older than 3 days that are currently requiring your action.

Easier and Expanded PTA Entry

Once an Award Short Name, Long Name and Org are entered, the corresponding Project and Task fields are automatically populated with the same information. This significantly cuts down on time spent manually inputting the same data for all 3 segments. However, after saving if any subsequent changes are made to the Award Short, Long name or Org code, these will not carry through to the project and task. Note that users can still edit these fields individually at the project or task level, if needed.

The Award Purpose Description field now allows entries of up to 2000 characters. Previously, the limit was 200 characters. The character limit now displays the number of characters remaining.

A new Agency award type has been added under the 'Award Type: Other' drop-down menu, for users that have involvement with Agency funds.

Terms & Condition Fields Now Mandatory Depending on Award Type and Award Principle Owner Selections

To allow for better reporting and more accurate input controls under the Terms & Condition section the School level of Control and Restriction have been conditionally formatted:

  • School Level of Control field is conditionally enforced based on the selected Award Type. For all endowment, gift and designated award types these fields remain mandatory.
  • School Level of Restriction field is conditionally enforced based on the selected Award Type and Award Principal Owner values. For all endowment, gift and designated award types these fields remain mandatory.

Note that depending on your Award Type, you may or may not see the red asterisk indicating that School Level of Control and School Level of Restriction are required fields.

New Converged Communications Award Fields (for School of Medicine Awards only)

Additional Award fields were added to support the Converged Communication initiative for bundled telephone, voice messaging and network services.

If the Award Owning Organization belongs to the School of Medicine, these additional entry fields may appear on the Edit Award screen:

  • Conv Comm Award Exclusion- This Yes/No field allows you to indicate whether an alternate PTA will bear communication charges
  • Conv Comm Alt Award- Select the Award portion of the alternate PTA to bear communication charges
  • Conv Comm Alt Project- Select the Project portion of the alternate PTA to bear communication charges. Drop-down selections are based on the Conv Comm Alt Award chosen
  • Conv Comm Alt Task- Select the Task portion of the alternate PTA to bear communication charges. Drop-down selections are based on the Conv Comm Alt Project chosen

For Gift Transmittal Users only

For Gift Transmittal transactions requiring a new fund, the user will now have the option to choose the award type from 2 categories: Gifts Expendable and Endowment. Before the change, the user was restricted to only one type 'Gifts Expendable'.

Any attachments from the Gift Transmittal System are automatically added into PTA Manager under the 'Attachments' tab. The user can now view all attachments directly into PTA Manager.

The 'Display Source Button' in PTA Manager is now displays on the left side of the screen.

Service Center and Misc AR Account Requests

PTA Manager updated to include two new links – Service Center and Misc AR Account. While the new links are available to all PTA Manager Users and Approvers, only authorized staff should use this new functionality to request new Service Center and Miscellaneous Accounts Receivables accounts (PTAs). We are communicating directly with staff authorized to request Service Center and Misc AR accounts to inform them about release plans and training opportunities for this new functionality.

July 30,2012

Wildcard Feature

The wildcard feature is now available for use on the Search screen (for fields that do not have a lookup button). This enhancement allows you to type "%" in place of characters you are unsure of, providing you with possible selections.

May 21, 2012


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