Fingate Buying and Paying > Expense Requests > How To... > Copy and Paste Expense Lines from Excel

How To:  Copy and Paste Expense Lines from Excel

Before You Start

Before beginning an expense report for SU or Non-SU payees, you can enter and organize the cash and personal credit card expense lines in an Excel spreadsheet. Then, when ready to enter the expense report in Expense Requests, copy and paste the expense lines from the spreadsheet directly into the expense report. Travelers may use these templates to record expenses for the preparer to paste into an expense report. This is an optional organizational and time-saving feature.

Download Excel Template

Choose the type of expense report from the drop-down menu below, and click the Download Template button to save it to your computer. These templates are also available from Expense Requests, Paste from Excel window.

Note:  Using this template is not mandatory. Any Excel spreadsheet will work as long as it contains these four columns in this order: Date, Amount, Expense Type, and Remarks, and data is entered in the exact format for upload.

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