Photon Science Seminar Series

SLAC’s Photon Science Seminar Series brings together scientists from SLAC’s Linac Coherent Light Source, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, Photon Science and Accelerator directorates, including researchers from the Center for Sustainable Energy through Catalysis and two joint SLAC-Stanford institutes: the Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences and the Pulse Institute for Ultrafast Energy Science.

The seminar series’ main goals are to stimulate scientific exchange within the photon science community at SLAC, and to make people aware of both the science that’s underway using the SSRL and LCLS machines and the capabilities they offer.

Speakers are invited by four representatives: Yijin Liu, SSRL, Joshua Turner, LCLS, Adi Natan, Photon Science and James Cryan, PULSE.


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