Office of the Independent Police Auditor (OIPA)


Mission Statement
It is OIPA's mission to provide all members of the public with effective and independent oversight of the BART Police Department by conducting unbiased and thorough independent investigations and reviews of police department investigations, making policy recommendations to improve the performance of the police department, and maintaining continual communication with members of the public in the BART service area.

As defined by the BART Citizen Oversight Model (available below) adopted by the BART Board of Directors, OIPA is charged with a number of specific duties. Among them are the following:

  • Accept complaints of misconduct against BART police officers
  • Investigate complaints filed with this office that involve allegations of unnecessary or excessive use of force, racial profiling, sexual orientation bias, sexual harassment, the use of deadly force, and suspicious and wrongful deaths
  • Review Internal Affairs investigations conducted by the BART Police Department, including those cases where the complainant has sought to appeal the findings issued by Internal Affairs
  • Develop an alternative dispute resolution process for resolving some complaints
  • Respond to the scene of officer-involved shooting incidents and monitor the ensuing BART Police Department investigation
  • Develop recommendations to improve BART Police Department policies
  • Maintain a regular program of community outreach
  • Prepare annual reports for the public and the BART Board of Directors

How to File a Complaint
If you are a victim of, or a witness to, misconduct by the BART Police Department and would like to file a complaint with OIPA, you can do so by mailing, calling, faxing, emailing, or visiting the office.  Contact information is listed below, and you can also download the OIPA Complaint Form. Although this form is not required to initiate a complaint, a completed form will contain much of the information that is needed to conduct a thorough investigation. 

Also available for download is the OIPA Informational Brochure, which contains information about what happens after you file a complaint with OIPA. 

You may also file a complaint with the BART Police Citizen Review Board by making a public comment at one of their meetings.  Or you can file a complaint with the BART Police Department’s Office of Internal Affairs by calling (877) 679-7000 ext. 7029 or emailing


You can now file a complaint involving the BART Police Department by using OIPA's Online Complaint Form.


Interaction with the Bay Area Community


OIPA continuously seeks opportunities to meet with the countless civic groups, neighborhood councils, social clubs, and other community based organizations that help make the Bay Area such a vibrant place.  We want to make sure that all parts of the Bay Area are aware that they have access to our office in case they feel the need to get in touch with us.

One of OIPA's most recent outreach events was a presentation to the Center for Independent Living (CIL) in Berkeley.  OIPA was joined by the BART Police Citizen Review Board and the BART Police Department, and all three groups answered questions and discussed issues of concern for people with disabilities.  CIL provides services, support and advocacy to enhance the rights and abilities of people with disabilities to actively participate in their communities and to live self-determined lives.  OIPA will continue holding outreach events like this one throughout the Bay Area, and we encourage any organization that might like to hear from us to give us a call so we can schedule a presentation for your group.

Below are a few photos from our visit to CIL:

Picture from Outreach Event with Center for Independent Living

Audience from Outreach Event with Center for Independent Living

Picture from Outreach Event with Center for Independent Living


Educational Forum with Jack and Jill of America, Inc.

One of the cornerstones of effective oversight of law enforcement is active community input and engagement.  OIPA and the BART Police Citizen Review Board have hosted a series of informational forums, the most recent of which was specifically designed to further OIPA's goal of connecting with Bay Area youth.  OIPA and the BART Police Citizen Review Board were pleased to pair up with a great organization called Jack and Jill of America, Inc., which seeks to provide social, cultural, and educational opportunities for youth in order to foster their leadership potential.  We have found great value in the dialogue that has taken place at every one of these events, and we look forward to continuing our series at a new location in the near future.  Below is a flyer, as well as a few pictures from the event:


Flyer from OIPA/CRB Forum with Jack and Jill of America

Picture from OIPA/CRB Forum with Jack and Jill of America


Picture from OIPA/CRB Forum with Jack and Jill of America


Picture from OIPA/CRB Forum with Jack and Jill of America


Picture from OIPA/CRB Forum with Jack and Jill of America


Picture from OIPA/CRB Forum with Jack and Jill of America


Picture from OIPA/CRB Forum with Jack and Jill of America


Recommendations on Procedures, Practices, and Training

One of OIPA's important responsibilities is to develop specific recommendations concerning General Orders and Directives, procedures, practices, and training of the BART Police Department.  These recommendations have as their goal improved professionalism, safety, effectiveness, and accountability of BART Police Department employees.  OIPA's recommendations are reviewed with the Chief of Police and presented to the BART Police Citizen Review Board for review and comment.  Depending on the response received, OIPA may then make additional modifications to its recommendation prior to issuance.

On May 8, 2013 OIPA submitted a draft recommendation to the BART Police Citizen Review Board regarding BART Police Department Policy 450 - Use of Video and Audio Recorders.  You can see the final recommendation issued by OIPA here:
OIPA Policy Recommendation for BPD Policy 450 - Use of Video and Audio Recorders

On September 30, 2013 OIPA submitted a draft recommendation to the BART Police Citizen Review Board regarding a portion of BART Police Department Policy 300 - Use of Force.  You can see the final recommendation issued by OIPA here:
OIPA Recommendation for BPD Policy 300 - Use of Force

On December 31, 2013 OIPA submitted a draft recommendation to the BART Police Citizen Review Board regarding BART Police Department Policy 402 - Racial- or Bias-Based Profiling.  You can see the final recommendation issued by OIPA here:
OIPA Recommendation for BPD Policy 402 - Racial- or Bias-Based Profiling

On March 27, 2014 OIPA submitted a draft recommendation to the BART Police Citizen Review Board regarding BART Police Department Policy 309 - Electronic Control Device - TASER.  You can see the final recommendation issued by OIPA here:
OIPA Recommendation for BPD Policy 309 - Electronic Control Device - TASER

On June 30, 2014 OIPA submitted a draft recommendation to the BART Police Citizen Review Board regarding the implementation of new BART Police Department Policy 1021 - Complaint Mediation Program.  This recommendation was the product of collaboration between OIPA, the BART Police Citizen Review Board, and the BART Police Associations (as required by the BART Citizen Oversight Model), as well as the BART Police Department.  The final recommendation issued by OIPA attempted to account for the interests of each of these parties, and you can see it here:

OIPA Recommendation for BPD Policy 1021 - Complaint Mediation Program

On October 13, 2014, and in response to a request initiated by the BART Police Citizen Review Board, OIPA submitted a draft proposal for the creation of a new policy to address interactions between BART Police Department employees and individuals identifying as transgender.  The draft proposal underwent a series of modifications over the next few months as the BART Police Citizen Review Board, the Professional Standards Bureau of the BART Police Department, as well as the BART Police Associations all collaborated with OIPA on the language.  The final recommendation was submitted by OIPA to the BART Police Citizen Review Board, which voted to approve it.  You can see the final recommendation here:
Policy Recommendation - Interactions with Individuals Identifying as Transgender

On May 11, 2015 OIPA submitted a draft recommendation to the BART Police Citizen Review Board regarding BART Police Department Policy 1053 - Business Cards and Trading Cards.  You can see the final recommendation issued by OIPA here:
OIPA Policy Recommendation for BPD Policy 1053 - Business Cards and Trading Cards


Office Staff
Interim Independent Police Auditor: Russell G. Bloom
Senior Administrative Analyst: Sarah Celso

Contact Information
San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART)
Office of the Independent Police Auditor
300 Lakeside Drive, 14th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612
mail: P.O. Box 12688, Oakland, CA 94604-2688
phone:  (510) 874-7477
fax:  (510) 874-7475

Interpretive services are available by calling BART Language Assistance Services at (510) 464-6752.



Monthly Reports

January 2016

February 2016

March 2016

2011 Combined Monthly Reports

2012 Combined Monthly Reports

2013 Combined Monthly Reports

2014 Combined Monthly Reports

2015 Combined Monthly Reports



Annual Reports

2011-2012 Annual Report

2012-2013 Annual Report

2013-2014 Annual Report

2014-2015 Annual Report




Download the BART Citizen Oversight Model

Download the Office of the Independent Police Auditor’s Complaint Form

Download the Office of the Independent Police Auditor's Informational Brochure

City of Oakland - Citizens' Police Review Board