Caltrain Modernization Program

San Francisco Roadway Bridges Project

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Scope & Need
Caltrain will remove and replace the existing vehicular/pedestrian bridges over the Caltrain tracks at 22nd Street, 23rd Street, and Paul Avenue in San Francisco.  Existing abutments will also be retrofitted to support the new structure. Utilities supported by the bridges will be temporarily relocated during bridge removal and construction.

The three bridges are deemed structurally deficient, do not meet existing seismic safety standard and must be replaced to ensure the safety and well-being of community members and Caltrain passengers.

In addition to the replacement of the three bridges, Phase I of the Jerrold Avenue North Span Removal will be conducted as part of this project. The first phase of the removal will reinforce the northern bridge abutments in preparation for the removal of the northern span (Phase II). The second phase of the removal will be incorporated as part of the
Quint Street Project, expected to begin in Fall 2015. For more information on Phase I of the Jerrold Avenue North Span Removal project, please click here.  

San Francisco Roadway Bridges Project Update - May 7 - May 13

Weekend Work

There is no night or weekend work scheduled at any of the San Francisco Bridge Project locations.

Weekday Work


* In general, all weekday construction activity will occur between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Monday through Friday. Neighbors may experience construction noise during this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.


22nd Street Bridge

Monday, May 9 to Friday, May 13, crews will continue utility work on the 22nd Street Bridge and will build the temporary utility support foundation.


23rd Street Bridge

There is no work scheduled at the 23rd Street Bridge for the week of May 2.


Vehicular and pedestrian access to 23rd Street between Iowa Street and Pennsylvania Avenue was restored on Tuesday, April 19.


Paul Avenue Bridge

Monday, May 9 to Friday, May 13, crews will continue formwork on the Paul Avenue Bridge.


Vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian access to Paul Avenue between Gould and Carr streets will remain closed during the removal and replacement of the Paul Avenue Bridge. Access to Paul Avenue is expected to be fully restored in August 2016. The exact date of the closure is subject to change. During the closure, Caltrain will establish detour signs for pedestrians and motorists to help with traffic flow.


22nd Street Closure

The closure of 22nd Street between Iowa Street and Pennsylvania began on Tuesday, April 19. During the closure, vehicular access to 22nd Street between Iowa Street and Pennsylvania Avenue will remain closed during the removal and replacement of the bridge, which is expected to be complete in November 2016. Detour signage will be in place to direct vehicular and pedestrian traffic during the closure.

A temporary pedestrian bridge will be installed to maintain limited pedestrian access across 22nd Street. The temporary pedestrian bridge is intended for use by Caltrain customers accessing the 22nd Street Caltrain Station. Pedestrian access is still maintained on the north side of the bridge until the temporary pedestrian bridge is installed.

22nd Street Detour

 23rd Street Bridge 
23rd Street Bridge
Paul Ave. Bridge
Paul Avenue Bridge

22nd Street Bridge
22nd Street Bridge

Construction Impacts

Work to replace the bridges is scheduled to start in early 2015 and is expected to last 9 to 12 months per bridge. While a majority of the work will be completed during the day, in order to maintain rail operations, night and weekend work will be required for some construction activities. 

Community members may experience temporary, localized noise impacts during construction. Construction crews will use best management practices to reduce noise and other impacts to the community and Caltrain will notify community members well in advance about construction activities that could result in noise impacts. 

Construction Sequence

To limit impact on traffic, construction of the 22nd and 23rd street bridges will not take place concurrently. Construction will begin with the 23rd Street Bridge, followed by the 22nd Street Bridge. The construction sequence for the Paul Avenue Bridge is not impacted by the other bridges. 

Project Schedule

  • 23rd Street: Late April 2015 to March 2016
  • Paul Avenue: Jun. 2015 to Aug. 2016
  • 22nd Street: April 2016 to Nov. 2016
  • Jerrold Avenue North Span Removal Phase I: May 2015 to Oct. 2015

Public Outreach & Community Engagement
Caltrain will be engaging the public in multiple venues to provide more information and collect feedback about the project. Nearby residents and business will be notified via mail about upcoming community meetings. Caltrain will also be working with local community-based organizations to build awareness about the project and its impacts.

Project Documents

March 2016 Dogpatch Neighborhood Association Presentation (PDF) - 3.11.16

March 2015 Community Meeting Presentation (PDF) - 3.5.15

San Francisco Roadway Bridges Fact Sheet (PDF) - Updated 3.5.15

March 2015 Community Meeting Notice (PDF) - 2.18.15

Dogpatch Neighborhood Association Presentation (PDF) - 5.14.14

February 2014 Community Meeting Presentation Slides  (PDF)  - 2.25.14

Community Meetings
If you are interested in having Caltrain present at your organization, please email 

To contact Caltrain staff directly, please email or call the Construction Outreach Hotline at 650.508.7726.

22nd and 23rd Street Bridges Project Location


Paul Avenue Bridge Project Location 

Paul Ave Map              

bct - 4/28/16