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Describes California's statewide, longitudinal data system for education data.


Currently teacher data reside in different ways in multiple databases in different agencies at the state and local levels with no mechanism for integration. This results in redundant data collection and maintenance, significant barriers to high quality analysis, and a lack of quality data to support state and local decision-making, monitoring and compliance activities.

To address these issues, the 2005 Budget Act included funds for the California Department of Education (CDE) to assess the feasibility of implementing an integrated teacher data system. In March 2006, the CDE submitted to the Department of Finance (DOF) a Feasibility Study Report (FSR) for such a system, and in May 2006 it was approved. In September 2006, Education Code sections 10600, 44230.5, and 60900 were enacted, permanently authorizing the project in statute, and renaming it the California Longitudinal Teacher Integrated Data Education System (CALTIDES). Education Code sections 10600, 44230.5, and 60900 also authorize the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to assign Statewide Educator Identifiers (SEIDs) to all educators working in the K-12 public school system in a position that requires a credential or authorization granted by the CTC.

CALTIDES will be a new comprehensive system environment that primarily entails integrating existing databases to enable the retention of longitudinal educator data to meet federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and other state reporting requirements, to facilitate assignment monitoring, and to conduct high quality program evaluations. CALTIDES will be jointly developed by the CTC and the CDE.

CALTIDES Project Status

A chronology of major activities related to the CALTIDES project is displayed in the table below. The CDE and CTC are in the process of evaluating final vendor proposals and selecting the CALTIDES vendor. According to the current schedule, the CALTIDES Procurement Phase will be completed in March, 2010.

A copy of the CALTIDES FSR may be obtained by request Kathie LaLonde, Manager, Project Management Office, CDE at

CALTIDES Project Status
Project Stage Start Completed Approved/Released
Feasibility Study Report (FSR) September 2005 March 2006 May 2006
Request for Proposal (RFP) January 2007 April 2009 April 2009
Final Bids Submission/Evaluation May 2009 September 2009* September 2009*
Special Project Report* September 2009 November 2009 December 2009*
Contract Commences* March 2010    
SEID Dissemination*
Project Stage Start Completed Approved/Released
Dissemination to County Offices April 2008 May 2008  
County Office dissemination to local education agencies (LEAs) May 2008 August 2008  
Use of SEID in CBEDS October 2008    

* Projected dates

Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID) Project Status

In order to integrate teacher data currently housed in different data systems, Education Code sections 10600, 44230.5, and 60900 require the CTC to assign a Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID) to all persons requiring a CTC credential to work in his or her position. The SEID will be a 10-digit, numeric, randomly generated, non-personally identifiable number. Local educational agencies (LEAs) will be required to populate local systems with the SEID and submit teacher-level to the state using the SEID. The CTC will rollout the SEID to County Offices of Education in Spring 2008. The County Offices of Education must work with LEAs to populate the SEID in LEA student information and human resources systems. The CDE will request use of the SEID on the California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) Professional Assignment Information Form (PAIF) in October 2008. See Correspondence/Newsletters below for a Joint CDE/CTC Letter introducing the project.

Authorizing Legislation

Education Code sections 10600, 44230.5, and 60900 state:

“The system shall serve as the central repository of information regarding the teacher workforce in the state for purposes of developing and reviewing state policy, identifying workforce trends, and identifying future needs regarding the teacher workforce. It shall also serve to provide high-quality program evaluations, including evaluations of the effectiveness of teacher preparation, induction, and to help improve professional development programs. Additionally it shall promote the efficient monitoring of teacher assignments as required by state and federal law.”

Education Code sections 10600, 44230.5, and 60900 specify CALTIDES shall be used to accomplish all of the following goals:

“Provide a means to evaluate all of the following: (A) The effectiveness of teacher preparation programs, including but not limited to, traditional fifth-year programs, university internship programs, and district-sponsored internship programs. (B) Teacher workforce issues, including mobility, retention, and attrition.

Streamline and improve the effectiveness and timeliness of assignment monitoring as required by the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (10 U.S.C. Sec. 6301 et seq.) and by state law.

Enable local educational agencies to monitor teacher assignments on demand.”

Education Code sections 10600, 44230.5, and 60900 also specify that:

“Data in the system may not be used, either solely or in conjunction with data from the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System, for the purposes of pay, promotion, sanction, or personnel evaluation of an individual teacher or groups of teachers, or of any other employment decisions related to individual teachers. The system may not include the names, social security numbers, home addresses, telephone numbers, or e-mail addresses of individual teachers.”

In order to integrate data from the various data sources, the CALTIDES FSR specifies the need for a unique SEID. Accordingly, Education Code sections 10600, 44230.5, and 60900 also authorize the CTC to:

“Establish a nonpersonally identifiable teacher identification number for each teacher to whom is issued a credential, certificate, permit, or other document authorizing that individual to teach in the public schools.”

Technical amendments to Education Code sections 10600, 44230.5, and 60900 were made by Education Code Section 44230.5. Education Code sections can be viewed at the California Legislative Information Web site (Outside Source).

Advisory Committee

The CDE is in the process of creating the State Superintendent of Public Instruction’s (SSPI’s) Statewide Data Policy Advisory Committee. This Committee will focus comprehensively on student- and teacher-level data and issues related to both CALPADS and CALTIDES. More information on this Committee will be provided when available.

Education Code sections 10600, 44230.5, and 60900 specifically require the SSPI to convene a CALTIDES working group. The CDE convenes a CALPADS/CALTIDES Working Group at key milestones in the development of the systems. Committee members serve voluntarily and travel expenses are not reimbursed. The group includes stakeholders representing school boards, local educational agencies, teachers, administrators, parents, postsecondary institutions, researchers, business, public school advocates, the Legislature, and various state agencies. The meetings are geared toward specific issues related to the development and implementation of CALPADS and CALTIDES.

Interested persons should contact Paula Mishima (see Staff Contacts).

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to frequently asked questions may be found at the following Web sites:


The California Department of Education (CDE) is committed to effective communication with LEAs and the public at large to ensure that the purpose and capabilities of the system are clearly understood and that implementation and management of CALTIDES supports and enhances LEA data management. Information pertaining to CALTIDES that has been disseminated through periodic Data Management Division (DMD) newsletters and CDE correspondence may be accessed through the following links.

CDE Education Data Newsletters

The newsletters below provide information about updates regarding CALPADS, SSID, State Reporting, and related subjects.

CDE/CTC Joint Letter

Questions for the CDE related to CALTIDES maybe directed to
Questions for the CDE related to CALPADS maybe directed to

Contact Information

Staff Contacts - CALPADS Operations Office Staff.

Questions:  CALPADS Operations Office | | 916-324-6738
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, August 11, 2010