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Longitudinal Education Data Systems

Describes numerous efforts that are part of California's statewide K-12 education data system.

California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS)

CALPADS is the foundation of California's K-12 education data system. It will maintain longitudinal, individual-level data including student demographic, program participation, grade level, enrollment, course enrollment and completion, discipline, state assessment, teacher assignment, and other data required to meet state and federal reporting requirements. Data will be linked longitudinally using a unique, non-personally identifiable Statewide Student Identifier (SSID). CALPADS implementation is projected to occur in 2009-10. Visit the CALPADS Web page for more information.

California Longitudinal Teacher Integrated Data Education System (CALTIDES)

CALTIDES is a system that will integrate teacher credential and authorization data to CALPADS data. Data will be linked longitudinally using a unique, non-personally identifiable Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID). CALTIDES implementation is projected to occur in 2010-11. Visit the CALTIDES Web page for more information.

California School Information Services (CSIS)

The CSIS program office, under the administrative oversight of the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team, which is operated from the Kern County Office of Education, has a statutorily authorized mission to: (1) build the capacity of local educational agencies (LEAs) to implement and maintain comparable, effective, and efficient student information systems that will support LEA daily program needs and promote the use of information for decision making by school, district, and county staffs; (2) enable the accurate and timely exchange of student transcripts between LEAs and postsecondary institutions; (3) assist LEAs to transmit state reports electronically to the CDE, thereby reducing the reporting burden of LEA staff; and (4) assist LEAs to assign and maintain Statewide Student Identifiers (SSIDs). Visit the CSIS Web page for more information.

Online Public Update for Schools (OPUS)

OPUS is a Web-based application for LEAs to report aggregate data. Visit the OPUS Web page for more information.

Advisory Committees

State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI) Jack O'Connell is convening a Statewide Data Policy Advisory Committee. The purpose of the committee is to participate in high-level discussions and provide recommendations regarding: (1) privacy and access protocols for student-level data; (2) statewide reports generated by the California Department of Education (CDE) from its longitudinal state systems; (3) standard reports generated by CALPADS and provided to LEAs; (4) responding to questions and data requests; and (5) future enhancements to CDE's longitudinal data systems. This is a non-statutory committee with members invited/appointed by Superintendent O'Connell to meet quarterly. The committee will be made up of stakeholders representing school boards, local educational agencies, teachers, administrators, parents, postsecondary institutions, researchers, business, public school advocates, the Legislature, and various state agencies. Education Code sections 49084 and 60900 require a CALPADS advisory board, and Education Code sections 10600, 44230.5, and 60900 require the SSPI to convene a CALTIDES working group. The CDE has merged these two groups and holds periodic meetings at key milestones in the development of the systems. The group includes stakeholders representing the same entities included in the Statewide Data Policy Advisory Committee; the meetings, however, are geared toward specific issues related to the development and implementation of CALPADS and CALTIDES.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Answers to frequently asked questions on California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS), California Longitudinal Teacher Information Data Education System (CALTIDES), Statewide Student Identifiers (SSIDs), California School Information Services (CSIS), and Race & Ethnicity may be found on the following Web pages:

CDE: CALPADS Frequently Asked Question (Updated 8-Mar-10)
CDE: Race and Ethnicity Frequently Asked Questions


The letters below provide information about State Reporting, Annual Statewide Student Identifier Maintenance, and other data activities.

Race and Ethnicity Federal Guidance Letters

Privacy of Student Records

Privacy of Student Records - This is general information on the privacy of student records that are collected and maintained by the California Department of Education.


Local Assistance Funding - This is information about the local assistance grants for data activities.

CSIS Grants - This is information about the funding available to CSIS for the support of State Reporting LEAs, non-State Reporting districts in preparation for CALPADS, and CSIS administration.

Contact Information

Staff Contacts - CALPADS Operations Office Staff.

Questions:   CALPADS Operations Office | | 916-324- 6738
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, August 11, 2010