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News ImageMay Fête Parade Marches to a Healthy Beat
May 4, 2016 - The 94th annual May Fête Parade will take place on Saturday, May 7 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., with participants marching to a healthy beat along University Avenue... [ more ]
News ImageBike to Work Day
May 3, 2016 - The 22nd annual Bay Area Bike to Work Day is Thursday, May 12- the perfect time to do something good for yourself, your health and the environment. [ more ]
News ImageCouncil to Discuss Potential Impact of Sea Level Rise on Palo Alto
May 2, 2016 - Scientists agree that climate change has led to global increases in temperature and sea level rise. The San Francisco Bay has seen 0.63 feet of sea level rise... [ more ]
News ImageFY 2017 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets
April 27, 2016 - The City Manager transmitted the City of Palo Alto's FY 2017 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets on Monday, April 25, 2016 to the City Council in accordance... [ more ]
News ImageAnnual Walking and Mobile Gas Leak Survey In Progress
April 25, 2016 - This routine safety check is conducted every year out to ensure the safety of all who live and work in Palo Alto. [ more ]
News ImageCouncil Adopts 80 x 30 Goal and Framework for Climate Action Plan
April 20, 2016 - The City Council adopted the general framework of the Sustainability and Climate Action Plan (S/CAP) at its meeting on Monday, April 18. [ more ]
News ImageCity of Palo Alto Ranks in National Top 10 for Most Solar Watts per Customer
April 15, 2016 - Utility ranked third out of more than 300 utilities nationwide for 2015! [ more ]
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