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 Politically, these are treacherous and uncertain times. A discredited president is saddled with a listless economy and a slew of unpopular and illegal wars. The voters rightly hold both parties in contempt. The corporate press is similarly disgraced. Thousands of readers around the globe are flocking to CounterPunch because they know we aren’t in the pockets of corporations or their foundations, and we aren’t beholden to any political party. That’s why you come to CounterPunch and that’s also why we need YOUR support. The need is real. The time is now. Please make a tax-deductible donation today by credit card through our secure online server, via PayPal or by calling 1(800) 840-3683. Note: This annoying box will disappear once we reach our fund drive goal. Thank you for your support!

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Here Comes the Next Global Recession

It might seem peculiar to some people to talk about the ‘next’ global recession, given that it doesn’t feel like we ever really got out of the last one. Eight years on from the global financial crash we find that the global economy is still drowning in debt, and this new era of low economic growth, high unemployment and squeezed wages/conditions has somehow become normalised.

‘Secular stagnation’ is the description de jure of the global capitalist system’s inability to return to another bout of prosperity. But while our old friend Boom departed the stage some time ago, his unruly brother Bust is waiting in the wings, preparing to make an unwelcome return. More

Palestine’s Intifada: the Process of Liberation is Irresistible

Yes, there is violence in the streets. It is the violence that fixates the viewer. Its context is set aside. Why are they using knives or why do they throw stones – that is the horizon of the question. The Western media is always surprised by the paroxysm of violence from the Palestinians – why do they resist? There is no parallel perplexity when Israel bombs Gaza and kills thousands or when Israeli bulldozers and helicopters target the homes of innocent families in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The bewilderment is uneven. Yes, there is violence in the streets, but it is not the only violence.

There is the hot violence of the Israeli army. But there is also what Teju Cole calls the cold violence of Israeli state policy. Right wing Israelis will name the Occupied Palestinian Territories by their own words (Judea and Samaria). Their Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked refuses – against international opinion - to acknowledge that there is even an occupation; she says that the West Bank and East Jerusalem is an “area under dispute.” More

Why Hillary Won the Debate (Even Though She Didn’t)

CNN and Facebook co-sponsored last week’s Democratic presidential frontrunners’ “debate.” After the event, CNN conducted a poll. “Who won the debate?” it asked. The result: 83% Bernie Sanders; 12% Hillary Clinton. Facebook also took a poll. “Who do you think won?” Over 79% responded, “Bernie Sanders.” The CNN editors’ take? “CLINTON’S CONFIDANT SWEEP.”

Slate conducted a poll. “Who won the presidential debate?” asked the magazine. 75% of respondents said Bernie Sanders; 18% gave it to Hillary Clinton.

“Hillary Clinton won,” reported Slate “senior writer” Josh Vorhees exuberantly. “She just needed to be solid in the debate. Instead, she was spectacular.” Spectacular! with 18% of Slate’s own polling numbers. Go figure. More

This Week on CounterPunch Radio
David Macaray


  • HOST: Eric Draitser
  • GUEST: Labor journalist, David Macaray
  • TOPICS: State of labor unions, the importance of militancy and political education, international solidarity, and much more.

Abbey’s Road

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Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch


The Populist Violence of Donald Trump:
Joseph Lowndes digs deep into Trump’s nativist rhetoric to disclose a vicious, racially-driven political agenda; Wall Street’s Terrorists Strike Again! Mike Whitney on who made a killing in the latest crash; CNN’s Summer of Lies: Jason Hirthler charts the rightward drift of CNN; Get Up Stand Up: Andrew Smolski documents the legal right to rebel; A New Nepal? Barbara Nimri Aziz reports from Nepal on the prospects for political change in the wake of the earthquakes; Adventures in Xenophobia: David Macaray explores the bitter legacy of the Chinese Exclusion Acts. Plus: Jeffrey St. Clair on Trump L’Oeil Politics; Kristin Kolb on the Ghosts of Wounded Knee; Chris Floyd on Trump as the new Reagan and Lee Ballinger on the horrors of the clothing industry.
