Evaluating the Content and Quality of Next Generation Assessments examines previously unreleased items from three multi-state...
More than twelve million American students exercise some form of school choice by going to a charter, magnet, or private school...
M. René Islas
Last fall, the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) published a working paper by researchers Thomas S. Dee and Hans Henrik...
Here’s the speech I wish Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser would give: Our great city has a once-in-a-generation opportunity...
Editor’s note: This is the last in a series of blog posts that takes a closer look at the findings and implications of Evaluating...
After roughly a year of presidential politicking during which education has been given short shrift , two primary debates over...
When the history of this era’s urban-education reform movement is written, four big policy innovations are sure to get attention...
I have no idea if Lin-Manuel Miranda has read Ta-Nehisi Coates’s Between the World and Me ; nor am I aware if Coates has seen...
Editor’s note: This is the fifth in a series of blog posts that takes a closer look at the findings and implications of...
If you’re at all interested in Washington, D.C. schools, you should read this excellent report by David Osborne . It serves as a...
Peter Sipe
One of my favorite pieces of writing is four sentences long. It’s the statement General Dwight Eisenhower drafted in the event D-...
Lisa Hansel
Last week , we encouraged state policy makers and educators to rethink what it takes to develop strong readers and the signals...
By Norm Augustine and Rudy Crew
Talk is cheap. For decades, elected officials, education leaders, and others have consumed much oxygen talking about the...
Editor's note: This letter appeared in the 2015 Thomas B. Fordham Institute Annual Report. To learn more, download the report ...
Any teacher worth his salt can recognize that there are differences among students that must be taken into account in the...
If you take an interest in the intersection of American education and law, the news this month has clearly been dominated by one...
Thanks to No Child Left Behind and its antecedents, American education has focused in recent decades on ensuring that all...
Editor’s note: This is the fourth in a series of blog posts taking a closer look at the findings and implications of Evaluating...
I’m appalled that The Donald might actually win the Republican nomination running on a “platform” of bombast and xenophobia. But...
Editor’s note: This is the third in a series of blog posts that will take a closer look at the findings and implications of...
For some, the ivory tower of academia is “ivory” in more ways than one. Events over the last year showed us that within our...
Editor’s note: This is the second in a series of blog posts that will take a closer look at the findings and implications of...
A decade ago, U.S. education policies were a mess. It was the classic problem of good intentions gone awry. At the core of the...
If you care about state education policy and/or the new federal education law, you ought to spend some time doing three things...