Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues
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Promoting women's social, political, and economic equality around the world.
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Ambassador-at-Large Verveer Briefs on Travel to Afghanistan, U.S. Commitment to Afghan Women
On June 30, 2009, Ambassador-at-Large Verveer briefed the press on her recent travel to Afghanistan and the U.S. commitment to Afghan women.
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Democratic Republic of CongoCreated about 4 months ago
Congress of Polish WomenCreated about 6 months ago

Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues

Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues

Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues And now, the blog! We'll be updating at least weekly to start with, so please bookmark us.
About the Author: Ambassador-at-Large Melanne Verveer serves as director of the Secretary’s Office of Global Women’s Issues. Chiang Mai enchants its visitors. In the surprisingly cool mornings, ...
Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues

Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues The BBC World Debate on women and the economy -- featuring (of course!) Amb. Verveer: 09.11.2009 Tapping into Female Talent: Preparing for a New Growth Cycle BBC World News hosts this debate in partnership with the World Economic Forum Women make up half of the human capital available to any economy. ...
Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues

Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues As our office continues to work through what the troop plan for Afghanistan will mean for Afghan women, we wanted to spotlight the U.S.-Afghan Women's Council, a close partner organization that's been focused on this region for some time. Please visit their site, and help if you can:
The U.S.-Afghan Women's Council
I'm glad I checked it out
December 8 at 8:37am
Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues

Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues Secretary Clinton on "Elimination of Violence Against Women" Day:
Press Statement: "Elimination of Violence Against Women" Day
Great, now let's pass I-VAWA and get CEDAW ratified!
November 25 at 2:38pm
Trevon Felix
Trevon Felix
If we all use our brain to
pursue health, happiness, and peace, the lives we and
our offspring experience on Earth will become much
more meaningful and beautiful. I learn all above education from on facebook. ... See More
December 2 at 2:42am
Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues
November 19 at 3:03pm
Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues

Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues Secretary Clinton's "Forum for the Future" statement in Morocco included remarks on the importance of women's empowerment:
Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues

Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues Text and video of Amb. Verveer's most recent testimony before the House. Or, use the following link to get all the witnesses' testimony -- including that of Nicole Kidman.
Ambassador-at-Large for Office of Global Women's Issues Melanne Verveer's Testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights and Oversight: "International Violence Against Women: Stories and Solutions"
Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues

Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues NPR coverage of the under-reported crisis in Guinea. Ambassador Verveer is testifying before Congress this afternoon on violence against women around the world, and will be raising the need for urgent attention to the situation in Guinea. We'll post her remarks as soon as they're released. In DC? You can attend:
Guinea is still struggling to deal with the deadly military crackdown on a pro-democracy rally last month. What has shocked people most is that women were targeted in a wave of sexual violence allegedly perpetrated by soldiers in public, in broad daylight.
Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues

Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues Ambassador Verveer testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday on the global costs and consequences of violence against women:
Testimony of Ambassador Melanne Verveer Before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on Violence Against Women: Global Costs and Consequences
Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues

Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues Will women receive equal attention in the classroom? Will there be a long-term socially transformative effect? Questions, hopes, and excitement as Saudi Arabia opens its first co-ed university.
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Saudi Arabia inaugurated on Wednesday its first-ever fully integrated coed university, and its ruler declared the institution will be a "beacon of tolerance" in a world attacked by extremists.
Rob Schmidt
Rob Schmidt
It's a start!
September 23 at 2:24pm
Yay! More should be done but this is a good thing. Education always very powerful!
September 23 at 3:40pm
Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues

Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues The so-called "happiness gap" article is back, trying to claim that women's lives were better before increases in choice and freedom. For those of you who prefer data to dogma, an excellent history and deconstruction of the meme can be found here:
What may be the most widely-discussed statistical over-interpretation in history is coming around for the third time. The first gust front of commentary blew in with David Leonhardt in the NYT Business Section in September of 2007, echoed a few days later by Steven Leavitt in the Freakonomics blog. ...
Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues

Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues In high school/college? Or have a daughter or son who is? Student advocacy groups are a great way to raise awareness and fundraise for worthy causes. If your school doesn't have a women's organization, why not start one? Check out, for example, the one below (which had the networking savvy to request this plug!):

W.E. is a new club at Desert Vista High School promoting women's equality! Men can be feminists too! W.E. is not a club strictly for females, as males can be feminists as well! By feminism, we simpl...
We are currently fund raising for the Run for Congo Women organized by Women for Women International. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. For more information please see the W.E. page (Link provided above).
September 14 at 6:22pm
Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues

Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues And a further update: fined $200 for the crime of wearing trousers, Hussein is refusing to pay and is instead facing a month's jail time.
Reporting from Khartoum, Sudan, and Nairobi, Kenya - A Sudanese woman was convicted Monday of public indecency for wearing pants at an outdoor cafe and jailed for one month when she refused to pay a fine.The ...
I remember changing the dress code at Hartnell College in 1968 so women students could wear pants. At least we weren't jailed.
September 8 at 11:07am
Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues
Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues
According to this article, nearly 43,000 women were detained for “indecent clothing” last year in the Khartoum region alone!
September 8 at 2:27pm
Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues

Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues Update on the courageous Sudanese journalist facing 40 lashes for wearing trousers:
Lubna Hussein, charged with dressing indecently for having worn pants, is daring the Sudanese authorities to punish her for it.
Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues

Department of State -- Office of Global Women's Issues Ahead of their launch at the United Nations next month, the International Guidelines on Sexuality Education are causing international controversy...
JOHANNESBURG, 4 September 2009 (PlusNews) - An attempt to help educators around the world develop sex-education programmes as a way to reduce unwanted pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among young people has become bogged down in controversy. ...