
Home > Countries > Algeria

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    FAO Projects in the country

    National Projects

      Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP)
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      Total Budget
      Assistance technique pour la promotion de la production de l`huile d?olive biologique en Algérie
      le projet vise à contribuer aux objectifs fixés par le Gouvernement, à savoir l?amélioration des revenus des petits agriculteurs ainsi que la diversification et la promotion des exportations agricoles, tout en permettant à l?Algérie de disposer de la confiance des pays destinataires et d?être admise à l'instar des pays déjà reconnus sur le marché européen de l?huile d?olive biologique. comme effet direct, le projet permettra l?initiation et la mise en place, dans cinq zones pilotes (Tizi-Ouzou, Batna, Tlemcen, Tipaza et Jijel), d?un modèle de développement intégré biologique autour de l?oléiculture des zones montagneuses. comme produits, il est attendu: - Un diagnostic institutionnel et technique de la situation actuelle de la filière huile d?olive biologique est réalisé et une stratégie de conversion vers le mode bio est élaborée; - Les capacités des acteurs clés : chercheurs, développeurs et agriculteurs sont renforcées et un modèle de plan de marketing pour la promotion des produits Oléicoles biologiques est développé; - Un projet de plan national pour le développement du secteur de l?huile d?olive biologique est formulé.
    • TCP/ALG/3604
      Réduction du gaspillage alimentaire à travers l?information et la sensibilisation du consommateur
      L?assistance technique consistera à faire un état des lieux et à piloter les aménagements envisagés. Elle revêtira les formes suivantes : - Diagnostic en vue de connaitre et comprendre les modes de consommation et les modèles alimentaires des Algériens ; - La mise en place d?un système de sensibilisation et d?information à travers le développement des techniques et des moyens didactiques d?informations et d?éducation des consommateurs ; - La mise en ?uvre de programmes de formation des consommateurs. Ces programmes basés sur une connaissance approfondie et circonstanciée des modèles alimentaires ; - Le renforcement du mouvement associatif de protection des consommateurs apte à prendre en charge la défense de la santé, de la sécurité et des intérêts matériels et moraux des consommateurs.
    • TCP/ALG/3602/C2
      TCPF-Etude de développement de la mobilisation de la ressource en eau et économie d?eau
      ? Améliorer les connaissances dans la mobilisation de la ressource en eau à petite échelle ? Mettre en place de nouvelles techniques de mobilisation de la ressource en eau notamment la collecte des eaux de pluie ? Minimiser les coûts de mobilisation de la ressource en eau ? Mieux gérer la ressource en eau au niveau des petites exploitations agricoles ? Maitriser les techniques économiques d?eau au niveau des petites exploitations agricoles ? Réduire la pression sur la ressource en eau.
    • TCP/ALG/3601/C1
      TCPF:Elaboration d?une stratégie de mécanisation agricole en Algérie
      Le Ministère de l'Agriculture et du Développement Rural et de la Pêche place la mécanisation agricole au c?ur de ses priorités agricoles pour le prochain quinquennat. Cette assistance technique va permettre l?élaboration d?une stratégie de mécanisation agricole adaptée à la diversité des systèmes de production et des zones agro climatiques avec comme sous objectifs : ? Analyse de la situation actuelle de la mécanisation agricole au niveau national à travers : ? L?évaluation de son adaptation aux systèmes de productions dominants ; ? L?appréciation du niveau d?efficience de ces matériels et leur contribution à l?amélioration de la production et de la productivité ; ? L?évaluation du dimensionnement du parc agricole sur le plan quantitatif et son efficience technique et économique ; ? Formulation d?une stratégie de mécanisation agricole accompagnée d?un plan d?action à court terme La Division Production et Protection des Plantes (AGP) assurera l'encadrement technique ainsi que le suivi du projet au vu de ses différentes expériences dans la formulation de telles stratégies en particulier dans les pays en développement.
    • TCP/ALG/3501
    • Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP)
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      Appui à la formulation de la stratégie nationale de développement de la pêche et de l`aquaculture
      Appui à la formulation de la stratégie nationale de développement de la pêche et de l'aquaculture

    Regional Projects

      Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP)
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      Total Budget
      Realizing the potential and managing the risks of SPIS in the Near East and North Africa
      The main objective is to promote sustainable agricultural production by making water resources accessible through a solar-powered irrigation technologies, whilst putting in place measures to safeguard those very resources. The second objective is to support rural livelihoods (providing access to reliable and clean energy in rural areas and providing options for a diversification of incomes) through the sustainable use of solar irrigation technologies.
    • TCP/RAB/3602
      Support to the Regional Collaboration Platform of Water Scarcity Initiative to increase water productivity
      To strengthen regional capacities and to enhance regional information exchange and to build the framework for the adaptation of pathways for increasing water productivity in selected farming systems of the beneficiary countries
    • TCP/RAB/3603
      Support to strengthen national capacities of Producer Organizations in the NENA Region
      Strengthened producer organizations (POs) can help SSFF overcome the barriers they face and develop innovative organizational arrangements that broaden their capabilities. Given the wide range of services that inclusive and efficient POs can provide to their members, these organizations are essential for a thriving agricultural sector and for boosting rural economies. They enable farmers to benefit from an array of services including access and management of natural resources, markets, credits, inputs and information as well as influencing policy-making processes. POs are a vehicle to encourage rural populations to remain in their territories instead of migrating to urban centers or to other countries. For this, governments have a critical role to play in creating conducive conditions by enabling collective action of producers to form and thrive. These conditions include developing transparent and sound regulatory frameworks, a conducive investment climate, as well as facilitating the creation of frameworks and policy dialogue spaces between governments and various stakeholders.
    • TCP/RAB/3601
      Preventive measures to reduce the risk of introduction and spread of Xylella fastidiosa
      to prevent the introduction of the disease into the region, through capacity building of technical staff and farmers on early detection, diagnosis, surveillance and phytosanitary measures.
    • TCP/RAB/3502
      Strengthening of Food Security Information and Early Warning Systems for Effective Resilience-based Response in Countries Affected by the Protracted Syrian Crisis.
      To fill critical technical gaps in the existing food security information systems in Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq.
    • TCP/RAB/3501
    • Trust Funds
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      Promoting Food and Water Security through Cooperation and Capacity Development in the Arab region: Strengthening Capacity to Assess Impacts of Changing Water Availability on Agricultural Production
      The project responds to the concerns of the region in terms of stabilizing the food situation, in general and the food security, in particular, while also advocating for the conservation of the fast degrading and depleting natural resources, particularly water resources. The project responds also to the various regional initiatives that are being articulated by Arab Governments including, the Strategy for Sustainable Arab Agricultural Development for the Upcoming Two Decades (2005-2025), and other resolutions involving Arab member states, LAS specialized agencies (AOAD and ACSAD) and United Nations organizations serving the Arab region through various mechanisms including the Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for the Environment (CAMRE) and its technical committee, the Joint Committee on Environment and Development in the Arab Region (JCEDAR), the Arab Ministerial Water Council (AMWC) among others. The project will partly build upon the outputs and experience of the SIDA financed RICCAR.
    • ADMA/RNE/006/IFA
      Account for Administrative Facility - FAO/IFAD Framework Agreement in Egypt
      Account for IFAD to reimburse FAO (as FAO will be hosting IFAD premises)
    • OSRO/RAB/401/USA
      Establishment of an inclusive food security information network to support emergency food security and livelihood support interventions in countries affected by the Syria Crisis
      Effective food security response in countries affected by the Syria crisis enhanced.
    • MTF /REM/001/MUL
      Support to the Secretariat of Regional Commission For Fisheries (RECOFI)
      Support to the Secretariat of Regional Commission For Fisheries
    • GCP /RNE/005/EC
      DevelopMent AnD application of integrated technological andmanagement solutions FOR wasteWATER treatment and efficientreuse in agriculture tailored to the needs of Mediterranean AfricanCountries (MADFORWATER)
      Improve productivity and efficiency in the agricultural sector. Afforestation projects using treated wastewater for stabilising sand dunes, thus contributing to efforts to combat desertification
    • GCP /RNE/009/SWE
      Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Water Efficiency/Productivity & Water Sustainability in NENA
      The project intends to set the proper framework for implementing the 2030 Agenda for water efficiency and productivity (SDG 6.4) through three major work packages: (i) establishing a robust water accounting system providing the evidence base for the full water budgeting (supply, demand, uses and re-cycling, present and projected) and for monitoring progress in the achievement of the targets while assessing the institutional effectiveness to govern water resources; (ii) implementing a series of interventions to increase water efficiency and productivity in selected farming systems of the countries to advance in achieving the SDG 6.4; interventions will include: introduction/enhancement of good practices and affordable technologies; improvement of decentralized water governance; development of under-exploited value chain rural agro-industry; leveraging on the multiplier effect to increase productivity when accounting for gender dimensions in the adoption of on-farm practices and technologies, in decentralized governance and along the value chain; elaboration of incentive frameworks, adapted to each local conditions, to promote the uptake of good practise and technologies at farm level and to stimulate entrepreneurial initiatives along the value chain (thus generating higher income and higher job opportunity); (iii) ensuring that higher efficiency/productivity achievements for the 2030 time horizon are attained within ?safe operational boundaries of water use? defining the conditions for ?water sustainability? and, therefore, for a sustainable, socially equitable and human-rights based development.The present proposal intends to set the proper framework for implementing the 2030 Agenda for water efficiency and productivity (SDG 6.4) through three major work packages: (i) establishing a robust water accounting system providing the evidence base for the full water budgeting (supply, demand, uses and re-cycling, present and projected) and for monitoring progress in the achievement of the targets while assessing the institutional effectiveness to govern water resources; (ii) implementing a series of interventions to increase water efficiency and productivity in selected farming systems of the countries to advance in achieving the SDG 6.4; interventions will include: introduction/enhancement of good practices and affordable technologies; improvement of decentralized water governance; development of under-exploited value chain rural agro-industry; leveraging on the multiplier effect to increase productivity when accounting for gender dimensions in the adoption of on-farm practices and technologies, in decentralized governance and along the value chain; elaboration of incentive frameworks, adapted to each local conditions, to promote the uptake of good practise and technologies at farm level and to stimulate entrepreneurial initiatives along the value chain (thus generating higher income and higher job opportunity); (iii) ensuring that higher efficiency/productivity achievements for the 2030 time horizon are attained within ?safe operational boundaries of water use? defining the conditions for ?water sustainability? and, therefore, for a sustainable, socially equitable and human-rights based development.
    • GCP /RNE/007/ITA
      Towards the enhancement of the Mediterranean diet in the Mediterranean region
      Generate and collect data to document the changing dietary habits in the Mediterranean Basin as well as their drivers. (Tunisia and Lebanon) Assess food consumption patterns in these two selected countries by using available food consumption surveys and food balance sheets/supply utilization accounts. Calculate country-specific consumption patterns and trends, in terms of dietary energy, protein, fat, and selected micronutrients. 4 Assess these consumption patterns for their adherence with Mediterranean diet. 5 Develop a conceptual framework to improve adherence to the Mediterranean diet pattern Presentation at a workshop at the end of the project hosted at the Ministry of Health. PHASE 2 (2017-2018) Extension of the project to other countries.
    • GCP /RNE/004/ITA
      Food Losses and Waste (FL&W) Reduction and Value Chain Development for Food Security in Egypt and Tunisia
      Countries are supported to develop evidence-based food losses and waste reduction programmes at national, regional and global levels; Governments and relevant stakeholders are provided with support to promote inclusive, efficient and sustainable agrifood value chains
    • MTF /RAB/372/MUL
      Near East Regional Component- Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics
      The Near East Regional Componente directly addresses the three pillars forming the foundation of the Global Strategy: 1. Establishing a minimum set of core data that countries will disseminate on a regular basis to meet current and emerging demands; 2. Integrating agriculture into national statistical systems in order to meet the requirements of policy makers and other data users that statistical information be linked across the economic, social, and environmental domains ; 3. Fostering the sustainability of the agricultural statistical systems through governance and statistical capacity building.
    • GCP /INT/028/SPA
      Coordinación en apoyo de la Ordenación Pesquera en el Mediterráneo Occidental y Central. CopeMed, Fase II (GCP/INT/028/SPA)
      Seguir apoyando la labor realizada por COPEMED I con el fin alcanzar una gestión sostenible (procurando tener en cuenta aspectos biológicos, económicos, sociales, medio ambientales e institucionales) de los recursos pesqueros del Mediterráneo Occidental y Central y de su ecosistema, mediante el asesoramiento, el apoyo técnico y la creación de redes de cooperación internacional