Bernard Lewis


Bernard Lewis is the Cleveland E. Dodge Professor of Near Eastern Studies Emeritus at Princeton University. A widely read expert on the Middle East, he is regarded as one of the West’s leading scholars on the region. He has published numerous books; the most recent is titled The End of Modern History in the Middle East (Hoover Institution Press, 2011).

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Recent Commentary

Islam historian Bernard Lewis (right) and Commentary editor Norman Podhoretz dis

Bernard Lewis and Norman Podhoretz discuss the Middle East

with Bernard Lewis, Norman Podhoretzvia Uncommon Knowledge
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

This week on Uncommon Knowledge, Islam historian Bernard Lewis and Commentary editor Norman Podhoretz discuss the history and future of the Middle East. (56:54)
“Deterrents worked with the Soviets and the Chinese because the Soviets were not suicidal and because they knew that, if they launched the first strike, there would be a second strike that would annihilate them. Mutually assured destruction. And mutually assured destruction can’t work in relation to Iran because these are people who you might say are in love with useful death.”

The End of Modern History in the Middle East by Bernard Lewis

The End of Modern History in the Middle East

by Bernard Lewisvia Books by Hoover Fellows
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bernard Lewis looks at the new era in the Middle East. With the departure of imperial powers, the region must now, on its own, resolve the political, economic, cultural, and societal problems that prevent it from accomplishing the next stage in the advance of civilization.

Princeton historian Bernard Lewis

The Multiple Futures of the Middle East

by Bernard Lewisvia Hoover Digest
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

“Imperialist designs” have come to an end. Now, says the dean of Mideast studies, the Arab-Muslim lands must shape their own destinies. By Bernard Lewis.