Bill Whalen

Research Fellow

Bill Whalen, a Hoover Institution research fellow since 1999, writes and comments on campaigns, elections and governance with an emphasis on California and America’s political landscapes.

Whalen is a columnist for the Sacramento Bee and writes on politics and current events for His commentary can also be seen on the opinion pages of the Wall Street JournalReal Clear Politics, Los Angeles Times and the Fox News’ website.

Whalen has been a guest political analyst on the Fox News Channel, MSNBC and CNN. He’s also a regular guest on the nationally syndicated radio shows hosted by John Batchelor, Larry Kudlow, Lars Larson and the Bay Area’s Michael Krasny.

Whalen has served as a media consultant for California political hopefuls and aspiring policy leaders. His past clients have included former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, former congressman Tom Campbell and former Los Angeles mayor Richard J. Riordan.

Prior to joining the Hoover Institution, Whalen served as chief speechwriter and director of public affairs for former California governor Pete Wilson. In that capacity, he was responsible for the governor's annual State of the State address, as well as other major policy addresses.

Before moving to California, Whalen was a political correspondent for Insight Magazine, the national newsweekly and sister publication of the Washington Times, where he was honored for his profiles and analysis of candidates, campaigns, Congress, and the White House. During those years, Whalen also appeared frequently on C-SPAN, National Public Radio, and CNBC.

In addition to his time in Washington as a political journalist, Whalen served as a speechwriter for the Bush-Quayle reelection campaign and was a senior associate with the public relations firm Robinson-Lake/Sawyer-Miller, offering media and political advice for domestic and foreign clientele.

Whalen currently resides in Palo Alto, California.

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Recent Commentary

Analysis and Commentary

Two Oaklands Could Have Deciding Role In Trump-Clinton Race

by Bill Whalenvia Sacramento Bee
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

After Tuesday’s returns from Michigan – a big win for Donald Trump, a frustrating upset loss for Hillary Clinton – it’s time to think of the fall election and a tale of two Oaklands. 

Analysis and Commentary

Here's What We Learned From Clinton And Sanders' At Fox News' Town Hall Event

by Bill Whalenvia Fox News
Monday, March 7, 2016

You might recall the biblical tale of the fellow thrown into the lion’s den, only to survive the ordeal and see his oppressors instead fed to the beasts.

Analysis and Commentary

Trump, Cruz And The 62 Million Question (That Would Be Votes, Not Dollars)

by Bill Whalenvia Forbes
Sunday, March 6, 2016

What’s great about taking a look at the mirrored funhouse that is the GOP presidential contest: anything said in the moment stands a good chance of being taken back – this post being no exception.


Trump, Cruz Keep On Winning. Four Reasons Why 'Super Saturday' Matters

by Bill Whalenvia Fox News
Saturday, March 5, 2016

After Super Tuesday and Thursday’s candidate brawl at the 11th GOP presidential debate, let’s call this latest experiment in democracy “Stop-by Saturday” – four states in the northeast, southeast and Midwest holding GOP primaries and caucuses.

Analysis and Commentary

The GOP Debate: Is All This Trump-Bashing Still A Wise Approach For Cruz And Rubio?

by Bill Whalenvia Forbes
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Let’s set the way-back machine to springtime 1996 and ask how that year’s version of the Republican Party would have handled a political insurrection.


Super Tuesday's Over. Can Trump Still Be Stopped? Yes. Here's How

by Bill Whalenvia Fox News
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Like the Titanic’s architects realizing their fatal design flaw right around the first strains of “Nearer My God To Thee,” Republicans are waking up to the realization that their presidential primary scheme is more Frankenstein than Frank Gehry.

Analysis and Commentary

Super Tuesday: Alaska Results

by Bill Whalenvia Forbes
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Befitting the state’s quirky image, Alaska lent its voice to Super Tuesday well after the other 10 states had called it a night — and not long before Wednesday’s dawn approached on America’s East Coast.

Analysis and Commentary

Super Tuesday: Colorado Results

by Bill Whalenvia Forbes
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Give Colorado credit for doing something that only Ted Cruz has figured out: how to deny Donald Trump victory.

Analysis and Commentary

Super Tuesday Prop Bets On Trump, Delegates And Inevitability

by Bill Whalenvia Forbes
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Two things you’re going to hear in abundance on Tuesday night: the returns from the various states participating in the mammoth undertaking that is Super Tuesday: as a result of those results, who has the inside track on becoming America’s 45th President.

Analysis and Commentary

Super Tuesday Prop Bets On Trump, Delegates And Inevitability

by Bill Whalenvia Forbes
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Two things you’re going to hear in abundance on Tuesday night: The returns from the various states participating in the mammoth undertaking that is Super Tuesday, and as a result of those results, who has the inside track on becoming America’s 45th President.
