Gabriella Blum


Gabriella Blum is the Rita E. Hauser Professor of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law at Harvard Law School (HLS) and the codirector of the HLS-Brookings Project on Law and Security. Previously, she was a senior legal adviser in the Israel Defense Forces and a strategic adviser in the Israeli National Security Council. She is the author of Islands of Agreement: Managing Enduring Armed Rivalries (Harvard University Press, 2007) and Laws, Outlaws, and Terrorists: Lessons from the War on Terrorism (with Philip Heymann) (MIT Press, 2010).

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The Future of Violence

by Benjamin Wittes, Gabriella Blumvia Hoover Digest
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Coming to grips with dizzying change and vanishing borders.

Analysis and Commentary

New Laws For New Threats Like Drones And Bioterrorism

by Gabriella Blum, Benjamin Wittesvia The Wall Street Journal
Friday, April 17, 2015

You walk into your shower and see a spider. You don’t know whether it is venomous—or whether it is even a real spider. It could be a personal surveillance mini-drone set loose by your nosy next-door neighbor, who may be monitoring the tiny octopod robot from her iPhone 12.

Analysis and Commentary

The Future Of Violence: Robots And Germs, Hackers And Drones—Confronting A New Age Of Threat

by Benjamin Wittes, Gabriella Blumvia Lawfare
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

We’re thrilled to announce the publication today of our new book, The Future of Violence: Robots and Germs, Hackers and Drones——Confronting A New Age of Threat .

The book takes on what we think is a pretty big question: How do you govern a world in which anyone can attack anyone from anywhere?

Emerging Threats: Invisible Threats

by Gabriella Blumvia Analysis
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Technology is progressing at record speed to produce insect-size robots (“spiders”) with lethal capabilities, potentially on a mass scale. 

men with different weapons

The New Model Army

by Gabriella Blumvia Hoover Digest
Friday, January 25, 2013

Tiny weapons that creep and crawl and think for themselves: this is our future. By Gabriella Blum.

an image

Technology & the Future of Violence

by Gabriella Blumvia Defining Ideas
Friday, August 17, 2012

How should our defense strategy evolve in a world of easily accessible mini-drones, lethal nanobots, and DIY warfare?

Emerging Threats

by Gabriella Blum, Shane Harris, Jeremy Rabkin, Paul Rosenzweigvia Analysis
Friday, June 1, 2012

This online series of essays grows out of the work of the Hoover Institution’s Koret-Taube Task Force on National Security and Law. The essays reflect the task force’s determination to seek out and publish thoughtful and timely writings by leading scholars, policy analysts, and journalists on emerging national security threats and the daunting legal challenges they present.