Morten Bergsmo


Morten Bergsmo is Visiting Professor, Peking University Law School; Visiting Fellow, Stanford University; Senior Researcher, University of Oslo; and ICC Consultant. He was formerly Visiting Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center (2010–12); Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow, EUI (2011 Spring); Visiting Scholar, UC Berkeley (2010 Spring); Senior Researcher, PRIO (2006-9); Special Adviser to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution of Norway (2007–8); Senior Legal Adviser and Chief of the Legal Advisory Section, ICC Office of the Prosecutor (2002–5); Co-ordinator of the establishment of the ICC Office of the Prosecutor (2002–3); Legal Adviser, ICTY (1994–2002); and Legal Adviser, UN Commission of Experts for the Former Yugoslavia established pursuant to Security Council resolution 780 (1992) (1993–4). He represented the ICTY to the UN negotiation process to establish the ICC (1996–2002). He has pioneered the democratization of access to international law sources, and to this end he directs the ICC's Legal Tools Project and founded the capacity development organization CMN ( He also founded and directs the Forum for International Criminal and Humanitarian Law (, and is Editor-in-Chief of the Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher (

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Military Self-Interest in Accountability for Core International Crimes

by Richard Sousa, Morten Bergsmo, Arne Willy Dahlvia Analysis
Monday, July 22, 2013

Accountability for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide has received increased international attention since the establishment of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in 1993 (‘ICTY’). Internationalized criminal tribunals were subsequently established for Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Cambodia, Iraq and Lebanon, and we have seen high profile war crimes cases against former leaders such as Slobodan Milošević, Saddam Hussein and Charles Taylor. Although there have been some controversies and setbacks, the overall trend since the mid-1990s has been one of increased support for accountability for flagrant violations of international criminal law.