Timothy Kane

Research Fellow
Research Team: 

Tim Kane is an economist and research fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. Previously, he was the chief economist at the Hudson Institute in Washington, DC. In addition to senior research roles at the Kauffman Foundation and the Heritage Foundation, Kane has served twice as a senior economist at the Joint Economic Committee of the US Congress.

Kane has published scholarly research on diverse topics, including job creation by start-ups, economic growth, US politics, foreign affairs, and national security. Dozens of media outlets have cited his research, including the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and the New York Times. He has provided commentary for ABC, CBS, CNN, C-SPAN, FOX News, National Public Radio, WSJ Opinion Journal, and Bloomberg TV.

From 1995 to 2001, Kane cofounded multiple software firms in San Diego. His start-up enonymous.com received venture funding and was awarded “software start-up of the year” in 1999. Kane remains an active entrepreneur, investor, and mentor.

From 1990 to 1995, Kane served as an air force officer with two tours of duty overseas. He was stationed in Seoul, South Korea, and in Tokyo, Japan, and worked closely with allied forces in both countries.

In 2012, Kane authored Bleeding Talent (Palgrave MacMillan), about leadership in the US military that has been favorably reviewed by the New York Times, Joint Forces Quarterly, and National Review. He is working on a research project to expound on the idea of a total volunteer force for the US military.

Kane’s most recent book is Balance: The Economics of Great Powers from Ancient Rome to Modern America (Simon and Schuster), coauthored with Glenn Hubbard. Kane and Hubbard blog at http://www.balanceofeconomics.com.

Kane earned a PhD in economics from UC San Diego. He is also a graduate of the US Air Force Academy. He currently lives in Palo Alto, California, with his wife, Hiromi, and their children.

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Recent Commentary


How A Trump Presidency Would Hurt American Incomes

by Timothy Kanevia The Federalist
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Under President Trump, things you buy will get a lot more expensive, your paycheck will shrink, health care will decline, and jobs will be even harder to find.

Analysis and Commentary

It’s Time To End The Federal Minimum Wage

by Timothy Kanevia National Review
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Sweden has no minimum wage. Nor does Denmark. Nor Finland. Nor Italy. Nor Austria. Does its absence affect the unemployment rate? Yes, the average unemployment rate is about four percentage points lower in countries with no minimum-wage laws than in neighboring countries, according to data collected by professor Stephen Hanke of Johns Hopkins University.  

Analysis and Commentary

The Paradox Of Value

by Timothy Kanevia Balance of Economics
Thursday, February 11, 2016

After two centuries of development, economics still lacks a good understanding of how to value things. To be honest, I never realized the gaping hole in the field until recently, despite earning a Ph.D. in economics and teaching Econ 101 to hundreds of students over the years. Adam Smith mentions the “paradox of value” in the Wealth of Nations, but the idea was not original to him.

Analysis and Commentary

Ash Carter’s Speech: A Beginning, Not A Defeat, Of The Personnel Revolution.

by Timothy Kanevia Foreign Policy
Monday, November 23, 2015

[Subscription required] The reforms unveiled in the “Force of the Future” speech given by Secretary of Defense Ash Carter on November 18th fell short of what many reformers hoped. 

Analysis and Commentary

Common Sense On Syrian Refugees

by Timothy Kanevia National Review
Friday, November 20, 2015

Understand that the debate about Syrian refugees in the United States is a political sideshow.

Survey ResultsAnalysis and Commentary

Letter from the Editor: The Ideal Level of Immigration

by Timothy Kanevia Peregrine
Monday, October 26, 2015

What is the goal of immigration policy? The state of public debate and media coverage would lead you to believe that the United States has a broken immigration system and that the remedy should focus on securing the southern border to achieve zero illegal immigration.

Analysis and Commentary

There’s A Reason America’s Vets Can’t Find Work But Not What Ben Bernanke Thinks

by Timothy Kanevia Foreign Policy
Monday, October 5, 2015

Almost half a century after the U.S. military adopted an All Volunteer Force of highly skilled, highly trained, high-IQ warriors, the myth of the stupid soldier lives on. Numerous studies have debunked it.


Why Capitalism Is Worth Defending To The Pope

by Timothy Kanevia Fortune
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Earlier this year, a U.S. economist met with Pope Francis’ closest economic adviser, who wanted to hear his defense on capitalism. Here’s his advice.
