The Caravan
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Issue 1307

Syria and the World's Uncertainty

Syria and the Decline of the West

by Fouad Ajamivia The Caravan
Thursday, September 12, 2013

“Obama is a coward,” said Shifa, 29 years of age, in a government-held suburb of Damascus.  She saw through the American leader: he hadn’t wanted to launch a military campaign to begin with and had taken the exit offered him by Vladimir Putin.  “The Russians are great and very smart,” she said.

Featured Analysis
Syrian Refugees
Featured Analysis

On the Syria Crisis

by Charles Hillvia The Caravan
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Edward Snowden, now in Moscow as special assistant to President Putin, has given us a highly classified telegram, drafted by Russia’s chief diplomat for the Middle East Georgi Kennankov to President Putin, “eyes only.” The telegram was sent from the Russian embassy in Tehran,

Syrian Refugees
Featured Analysis

Not the Right Leader

by Russell A. Bermanvia The Caravan
Thursday, September 12, 2013

US diplomacy has lost the latest round in the Syria showdown. Just as the Assad regime embraced the proposal to place its chemical weapons under international control, it restarted its bombing campaign against rebel positions in Damascus.

Featured Analysis

The End of Syria?

by Itamar Rabinovichvia The Caravan
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Will there be a Syrian state in 2014 or 2015? Unfortunately, it is a legitimate and pertinent question. The Syrian civil war is well into its third year and there seems to be no resolution in sight.

Syrian Refugees
Featured Analysis

Syria and the New World (Dis)order

by Tunku Varadarajanvia The Caravan
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Not since the early years of the Second World War has Planet Earth been as bereft of American leadership as it is now.

Featured Analysis

Not Really About Syria

by Reuel Marc Gerechtvia The Caravan
Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Geneva Syrian talks, like the President’s speech on Syria, have left out many things, but most importantly several inescapable truths about this conflict:

Featured Analysis

Letter from Istanbul: Where Have The Americans Gone? Who Invited The Russians Back?

by Asli Aydintasbasvia The Caravan
Thursday, September 12, 2013

It is hard to even describe the sense of double-betrayal Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan must be feeling towards the man he considered a friend, Barack Obama.

Featured Analysis

Barack Houdini: Making Syria Disappear

by Fouad Ajamivia The Caravan
Thursday, September 12, 2013

The online publication, Politico, put it well: Barack Obama tripped over Syria and fell on Iran.  That remarkable Obama luck, the luck that saw him through his bid for the United States Senate, the obtuseness of the Hillary Clinton campaign that had her win practically all the