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In the News

Amicus Brief Calls For Rehearing In Support Of Diocese Of South Carolina

quoting Michael McConnellvia Business Wire
Monday, November 13, 2017

Misapplication of neutral principles of law leads to constitutional conflicts and property rights confusion.

Analysis and Commentary

Balancing Religious Rights With Health Care

by David Davenportvia Townhall
Monday, November 13, 2017

Public policy is full of difficult dilemmas, tough cases where there are strong interests on both sides.  Such dilemmas are not usually solved as much as they are managed.

In the News

Islam And The Mistreatment Of Women

quoting Ayaan Hirsi Alivia Christian Post
Saturday, November 11, 2017

Many Muslims are peaceful and tolerant, and it has become fashionable in the West to portray Islam as a peaceful and tolerant religion, even in the wake of terrorist attacks like the recent one in New York. But it's hard to buy into this charade when it comes to Muslim treatment of women under Sharia law. Plainly put, Sharia subjugates women in virtually every area of their lives.

In the News

Path Of The Secular Humanist: Is Another Reformation In Order?

mentioning Ayaan Hirsi Alivia Las Cruces Sun-News
Sunday, November 5, 2017

During the Autumnal Equinox, Sept. 20-14, the following letter was sent to Rev. Steve Loy. 

In the News

The Horrific Reality That Is Female Genital Mutilation

quoting Ayaan Hirsi Alivia LifeZette
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The statistics involving this barbaric practice are staggering, and no one is talking about it — except, incredibly, to condone it.


Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Islam--Mecca Vs Medina?

interview with Ayaan Hirsi Alivia Hoover Daily Report
Monday, October 16, 2017

Hoover Institution fellow Ayaan Hirsi Ali discusses her book The Challenge of Dawa, Mecca vs Medina Islam (roughly the distinction between peaceful and militarized/expansionist), and the possibility of rapprochement between Islam and the Judeo-Christian world. 

In the News

Robert Fulford: Feminists Are Failing To Confront Islamic Society's Treatment Of Women

quoting Ayaan Hirsi Alivia National Post
Friday, October 13, 2017

Feminists do a disservice to their sisters in Islam when they ignore practices they would never tolerate in their own lives.

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“Push Back on Dawa”

by Cynthia Haveninterview with Ayaan Hirsi Alivia Hoover Digest
Monday, October 23, 2017

Hoover fellow Ayaan Hirsi Ali, author and foe of political Islam, on doing battle with dangerous ideas. 

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The Religious Animal

by Charles Hillvia Hoover Digest
Monday, October 23, 2017

Faith informs war, peace, and civil society. That’s why believers must learn to listen to each other. 

In the News

How Online Propaganda Is Tearing The Church Apart

quoting Niall Fergusonvia Catholic Herald
Thursday, October 5, 2017
The Catholic cyber-wars have broken out and the casualties are piling up.


Virtues Task Force