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In the News

The 4M Way To Fight Violent Extremism

quoting Ayaan Hirsi Alivia Today Online
Thursday, September 7, 2017

Former Speaker of Parliament Halimah Yacob has been in the news lately for the slogan she has chosen for her Elected Presidency campaign: “Do good, do together.” Responding to public criticism of the technically ungrammatical phrasing, Madam Halimah explained that she chose the phrase as “it’s catchy, it’s easy to understand, easy for everyone to relate”.

In the News

Let Us Now Praise Muslim Apostates

featuring Ayaan Hirsi Alivia City Journal
Friday, September 1, 2017

Standing up to political correctness and facing death threats, the Muslim apostate writers Ibn Warraq and Ayaan Hirsi Ali have honored our increasingly endangered Western heritage of free thought, which includes the right—indeed, the obligation—to subject religious dogma to criticism and reason. 

In the News

Robbins: Rights Group Goes Astray On Hirsi Ali

featuring Ayaan Hirsi Alivia Boston Herald
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

What separates humans from other species, the late William F. Buckley Jr. admonished a sanctimonious college student in his office 40 years ago, “is the capacity to make distinctions.” With a White House as relentlessly repulsive as this one is and significant elements of American society willing to indulge conduct reminiscent of 1930’s fascists, it is perhaps a bad time to expect that people will make distinctions, and the capacity of some people to do so has eroded badly.

In the News

Ayaan Hirsi Ali On Being Labeled An 'Extremist' By The Southern Poverty Law Center

featuring Ayaan Hirsi Alivia Townhall
Friday, August 25, 2017
Just about everyone is incensed over the Southern Poverty Law Center's recent list of who they deem to be "hate groups" in the United States. We've covered that misleading list extensively, helping to drag reputable groups like Alliance Defending Freedom and the Family Research Council out of the mud, not to mention churches who only made the list because they oppose gay marriage.
Analysis and Commentary

Does Libertarianism Reject Anti-Semitism?

by David R. Hendersonvia EconLog
Friday, August 25, 2017

Economist Steve Horwitz has just published an article titled "Libertarianism Rejects Anti-Semitism." I disagree with his argument and the title.

In the News

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Calls Out The Southern Poverty Law Center's Blasphemy Enforcement

featuring Ayaan Hirsi Alivia Front Page Magazine Online
Thursday, August 24, 2017

There's been a consistent pattern of groups fighting "Islamophobia" including ex-Muslims and even Muslim liberals on their hit list. There's a limited amount of fuss when it happens. And then it dies down again. But the real story is why it happens. It happens because the act of policing "Islamophobia" is really about enforcing Islamist agendas and their blasphemy codes.

Analysis and Commentary

Distracting Ourselves To Death

by Bruce Thorntonvia FrontPage
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Political spectacles take center stage while the country's real problems fester.

In the News

Former Muslim Ayaan Hirsi Ali Slams The Burqa Following Pauline Hanson's Senate Stunt

featuring Ayaan Hirsi Alivia Daily Mail (UK)
Friday, August 18, 2017

Author, ex-politician and feminist critic of Islam Ayaan Hirsi Ali has waded into the burqa debate sparked by Pauline Hanson's Senate stunt.


Robert Service Discusses Russia On The John Batchelor Show

interview with Robert Servicevia John Batchelor Show
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Hoover Institution fellow Robert Service discusses his Defining Ideas article "Russia Wrestles With Islam."

Analysis and Commentary

At 70, India Shows A New Vigor

by Tunku Varadarajanvia Wall Street Journal
Monday, August 14, 2017

But its retreat from secularism is a worrying sign.


Virtues Task Force