Foreign Policy

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Foreign Policy

Clinton's Foreign Policy in Somalia, Bosnia, Haiti, and North Korea
Editor: Thomas H. Henriksen

The Clinton administration has dealt with four high-profile problems—Somalia, Bosnia, Haiti, and North Korea—which demanded presidential attention, resulted in the deployment of U.S. military forces, and generated congressional and public controversy. The way these conflicts were handled may determine the way future large-scale emergencies are managed.

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Democratizing the World Trade Organization
Author: Fiona McGillivray

The WTO has been attacked by labor groups, environmentalists, and human rights organizations as an undemocratic institution, secretive and uncaring.

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Author: Hilton L. Root

India, a rare democracy in the third world, is widely perceived to be a political success, despite its economic failures.

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Nuclear Blackmail
Author: Victor Gilinsky

A Essay on Nuclear Blackmail: The 1994 U.S.–Democratic People's Republic of Korea Agreed Framework on North Korea's Nuclear Program.

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Strategic Flip-Flop in the Caribbean
Authors: William Ratliff, Roger Fontaine

The sanctions and U.S. policty in Cuba have failed in establishing democracy, improving human rights, and sparking economic reform. Instead, they have only promoted conflict, both within Cuba and abroad. The authors claim that the imperialistic Helms-Burton Law alienates allies worldwide and will poison relations between the United States and Cuba for generations to come .

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Thoughts on U.S. Foreign Policy toward the People's Republic of China
Author: Ramon H. Myers

This essay examines the Clinton administration's current foreign policy towards the People's Republic of China and presents several arguments to refute this foreign policy stance.

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The United States and the New Europe, 1985-1992
Authors: Peter Duignan, Lewis H. Gann

This book is no longer available in print form. However, a Google Editions e-book version can be purchased here.

The authors believe that the United States should neither retreat into isolationism nor aspire to police the world. The U.S. policy should be guided by U.S. national interests. These entail maintaining an adequate defense force, encouraging free markets, fostering human rights, and supporting mediation in regional and world organizations.

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Using Power and Diplomacy to Deal with Rogue States
Editor: Thomas H. Henriksen

The end of the cold war a decade ago has ushered in a greatly transformed international landscape.

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Undermining the Foundations of Organized Crime and Public Sector Corruption
Authors: Edgardo Buscaglia, Samuel Gonzalez-Ruiz, William Ratliff

This policy essay delineates the best practices in counteracting organized crime and public sector corruption. It has three parts: (1) focus and background, (2) methodology and empirical analysis and (3) policy recommendations taken from the best international practices in counteracting organized crime and public sector corruption.

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