NewsReal Sunday: Record Breaking Deficits Will Enslave Our Children

2010 April 18

They've only just begun.

In February of this year our government’s monthly deficit went over $200 billion – for just that month- for the first time in history.  That’s right – I said the deficit of one single month was over $200 billion.  To put things in perspective, February’s $223 billion deficit was bigger than the total budget deficit for all of 2007!  Below is a deficit chart, but let me warn you.  If you have not seen this yet you may want to sit down and send the children out of the room. read more…

Chicago: Muslim who murdered family on orders from “Allah” now the victim, “suffering greatly” in jail

2010 April 18

This Chicago Sun-Times story, after being more honest than AP by noting that Larry killed all these people because he believed he had some responsibility before Allah to do so, makes sure to include the standard disclaimer from a local Muslim group — the kind of thing that is usually as a matter of course appended to any story about a Muslim committing violence in the name of Islam: Islam condemns, Islam forbids, Islam is peace, etc. etc. etc.

The sheer pro-forma aspect of such disclaimers, and their frequent employ, ought to give some people pause. But it doesn’t. In any case, it is here once again disingenuous. James Larry murdered his family, according to this Chicago Tribune report, after complaining that his wife was not behaving according to Islamic standards, and saying that the Qur’an was telling him to kill (which it certainly does do — see 2:191, 4:89, 9:5, 9:29, 47:4, etc.). Now, honor killing, which is also the subject of a blizzard of Islamic disclaimers whenever it appears in the news, is nonetheless relatively common in many Muslim countries, and is effectively encouraged by the fact that honor murderers often are given lighter sentences than other murderers.

Syria recently scrapped a law limiting the length of sentences for honor killings, but “the new law says a man can still benefit from extenuating circumstances in crimes of passion or honour ‘provided he serves a prison term of no less than two years in the case of killing.’” read more…

Don’t play the dhimmi, don’t kowtow, don’t accept Islamic supremacists’ version of events

2010 April 18
LeavingIslam?.jpg The ad in question

I just had this exchange with a Jihad Watch reader regarding the pulling of SIOA’s religious liberty bus ads after they ran only three days, and I thought it worth sharing with you:

1. Jihad Watch reader to Spencer:

Its a shame things are so 1 sided. I wonder if Mrs. Geller toned it down to a level where Cair wouldnt be able to make an intollerance complaint but could still get the message out if this could be successful.

2. Spencer to Jihad Watch reader:

You’re whistling in the dark. Everyone tones down what they say in order to placate the Muslims. Ultimately that is the road to Sharia and dhimmitude. What is offensive about our ad? What is wrong with its tone? Apostates are threatened and killed all over the world. We offered them help. What would you suggest we tone down? What would you suggest we not say in order to please them? Why must we always play this game, instead of speaking the truth without fear? There is nothing objectively wrong or offensive about our ad. You’re falling into their trap, allowing them to define what is offensive and what isn’t. I refuse to do so.

And even if our ad were offensive to someone, so what? I am offended by all sorts of things. read more…

Egypt: Muslims attack with acid girl who converted to Christianity — after fatwas call for spilling of her father’s blood

2010 April 18

Dina el-Gowhary’s father, Peter Athanasius, is a convert also. Our religious freedom bus ads in Miami, pictured above, were pulled by Miami-Dade Transit for being “offensive to Islam.” CAIR’s Muhammed Malik said: “Islam guarantees freedom to and freedom from religion.” Will he then issue a public statement in support of Dina el-Gowhary and Peter Athanasius? Don’t hold your breath — but this case yet again shows that our ad is entirely accurate, warranted, and justified. That’s why we have filed suit against Miami-Dade Transit.

By the way, Dina el-Gowhary appealed to Obama for help last year. No help, of course, was forthcoming.

“Muslim Egyptian Girl Who Converted to Christianity Subjected to Acid Attack,” by Mary Abdelmassih for AINA, April 17 (thanks to Pamela Geller): read more…

From the Writings of David Horowitz: April 18th, 2010

2010 April 18

The other day I received an e-mail from a stranger posing two questions that have been on my mind for some time; thus his message seemed uncannily personal.

“I was curious,” the writer said, “if you have ever looked at your political ‘apostasy’ and wondered whether, if circumstances had been different — if you had not been involved with the Panthers or if your friend had not been murdered by them — you would still be a Marxist today. Was your apostasy a result of an inexorable intellectual development, or were you forced into your second thoughts?” read more…

The More Things Change, The More They Remain The Same: Ben Stein From 1976 In The American Spectator

2010 April 18

Ben Stein is one of the funniest and sanest people alive. My Mom says that all the time – and she has never been wrong, not even once, in her entire life.

In this reprint of a letter he sent to the creators of the Norman Lear show “All’s Fair” back in 1976, it is worth noting that The Left and its minions were just as disdainful towards “regular” Americans then as they are now – and just as ready to shove their agenda down our collective throat – regardless of the consequences.

The playbook hasn’t changed – although the arrogance is definitely more public now. read more…

What’s the Point of the Second Amendment if You Have to Buy Your Own Gun?

2010 April 17

Many leftist feminist blogs are currently promoting a fundraiser called the National Abortion Access Bowl-a-Thon.  So far, bowling teams across the country have raised nearly $100,000 to help women and girls pay for abortions they couldn’t otherwise afford.  As the organizers explain, “friends + abortion rights + rented shoes = the event of a lifetime!”

Sounds like a blast.

I don’t really care about the fundraising activities of the National Network of Abortion Funds. But since they believe the “legal right to abortion is only meaningful when women have the resources to obtain abortion services,” I figured they’d be interested in my awesome new idea to help subsidize another legal right.  read more…

Glenn Beck – Misunderstanding or Misunderstood?

2010 April 17

Jenn Q. Public, in her recent post Glenn Beck’s Shameful Misunderstanding of Islam asserts the following.

Sharing his ideas about American defense policy, Glenn Beck just said the following:

[Beck Quote] Why do you think they hate us in the Middle East?  Maybe because we don’t stand for anything.

Wrong, Glenn. It’s because we do stand for something: Western ideals.

America is the last bastion of freedom and equality in the world, and those who kill and maim on behalf of the “religion of peace” do so because they want to destroy everything we value.

Great point, except Beck wasn’t talking about Islam. He was arguing against the Realpolitik of trying to advance our interests by supporting dictators only slightly less odious than the ones we oppose. The remark in question was a passing shot in support of that argument, it was clearly not intended as a unified theory of Middle East relations.

But don’t take my word for it. Jenn has her interpretation, I have mine. The embedded clip is below. The remark in question occurs a little after the 15:00 mark. I invite you to draw your own conclusions.

Update: In the event the embedded video doesn’t load, you can link to it here.

The Right Needs to Stop Acting Like the Left if it Wants the High Ground

2010 April 17

Have you ever felt like people meant well, but they just aren’t helping your cause?

I have no desire to attack the Right. If anything, I will do everything in my power to encourage anyone and everyone who is willing to work to replace this sliver of the far-Left that is currently running our country. However, sometimes we have to take stock of ourselves. This is one of those times.

A favorite ploy of the Left is to take things out of context and/or twist them like a pretzel to fit their preconceived ideas. Unfortunately, the Right has been doing way too much of this of late.

A case in point:

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Thompson and Pataki Won’t Run but GOP Can Still Take Senate

2010 April 17

In disappointing news for Republicans, Tommy Thompson and George Pataki have decided against running for Senate in Wisconsin and New York respectively. The latter appears to have turned down the challenge so he can lay the groundwork for a 2012 presidential bid—which shows that Pataki is so out-of-touch with reality that he did his party a favor by not running.

This brings down the number of pick-up possibilities for the GOP by two. Thompson and Pataki were ahead of Feingold and Gillibrand in hypothetical match-ups, so it shows an appetite exists for a challenger, but I wouldn’t count on winning these seats. This makes capturing the Senate a lot more difficult for the GOP, but a road does exist for that to happen.

  read more…

Mitt Romney Endorses Marco Rubio for U.S. Senate

2010 April 17

More trouble for the embattled Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida for the state’s much sought after Senate seat. Former presidential candidate, Mitt Romney has just released a press statement today regarding his endorsement of Crist’s opponent, Marco Rubio for the office. The Free and Strong America (Mitt Romney) PAC also said that it would make a maximum contribution — $5,000 — to Rubio’s campaign. 

A young, tenacious political outsider and darling of Tea Party protesters, Marco Rubio resonates with the burgeoning conservative countermovement well beyond the peninsular confines of Florida. Rubio’s escalating popularity is a formidable threat to Crist, whose political persona is more closely aligned with the Republican establishment. Unfortunately for Crist, the Republican Old Guard is precisely what so many energized, disaffected conservatives are rejecting in droves and railing against at their Tea Parties. read more…

The Visceral Acid of Cathy Areu, Who Says Palin Lacks Class

2010 April 17

Cathy Areu is the quintessential feminist: hopelessly insecure — and just plain mad. Ms. Areu made headlines this week for referring to Sarah Palin as “Larry the cable guy — minus the class and intelligence.” Well, why not. She had to say something to get the spotlight. Areu is a self-described workaholic who craves attention — and, in her opinion, Sarah Palin’s getting too much. Sarah Palin, she says, is a phony.

Ms. Areu, however, is the real deal. She’s attractive, an author, a speaker, a pundit, and a journalist — and the publisher of Catalina Magazine, a Latina magazine whose readership claims at least 1.5 million. One might ask what would make a woman with all that so angry? And the answer is simple: There is simply no end to the plethora of emotions that envelop feminists and make them foam at the mouth.  They are a ball of emotions — and any woman who doesn’t speak to their cause is a target for said emotions.

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