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Stanford Social Innovation Review Topics
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Philanthropy: Innovative ideas for donors, foundation leaders, and philanthropists
Corporate Philanthropy: Innovative ways that corporations can be more philanthropic and socially responsible
Foundations: New and innovative ideas for leaders of foundations
Individual Giving: Ideas to help individual donors and philanthropists be more effective
Intermediaries: Innovative ways to bridge the gap between donors and nonprofits
Online Giving: Innovative ways to use the Internet to raise and donate money
Nonprofits: Innovative ideas to help leaders of nonprofits and NGOs be more effective
Board Governance: New ideas to create a more effective nonprofit board of directors
Fundraising: New and innovative ideas to help nonprofit leaders raise money
Measuring Social Impact: Innovative ways to measure the impact that an organization has on society
Nonprofit Management: Innovative ideas to help nonprofit leaders better manage their organization
Social Entrepreneurship: Innovative ideas for social entrepreneurs who tackle society’s problems
Government: Innovative public sector policies and programs
Business: Innovative ways to enhance corporate social responsibility
Impact Investing: Socially responsible investing that produces triple bottom line results
Socially Responsible Business: Innovative, ethical, and community-minded business practices
Global Issues: Innovations that address global challenges such as education, environment, and health
Arts: Innovations that improve the vibrancy of arts and culture
Civil Society: Social innovations that enrich society and enhance democratic participation
Economic Development: Social innovations that improve the living standards of the poor
Education: Innovations in educational policies and programs
Energy: Innovations in sustainable energy
Environment: Innovations in environmental protection
Food: Innovative ways to improve access to basic resources
Health: Innovations in health care policies and programs
Human Rights: Innovative policies and programs that advance the rights of people and communities
Microfinance: Financial services for people who lack access to money Technology & Design: Innovations in technology and design that serve the world
Technology & Design: Innovations in technology and design that serve the world
Urban Development: Social innovations that improve the health of cities
Water: Innovative ways to improve access to water resources

Stanford Social Innovation Review Magazine Sections
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Features: New and in-depth explorations of solutions to social, environmental, or organizational problems
Research: Important research recently published in scholarly and professional journals
Reviews: Opinionated reviews of recently published books on social innovation
First Person: Opinions and analyses by social innovation leaders
Q&A: Interviews with social innovation leaders and thinkers
What's Next: New and innovative solutions to social problems
What Works: Profiles of innovative and effective organizations
What Didn't Work: Profiles of organizations or solutions that were not effective
Case Study: In-depth analyses of organizations and their management challenges
Last Look: Photographs that insipire and inform

Stanford Social Innovation Review Blog Channels
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Big Picture: Commentary on social innovation ideas and approaches
From the Field: On-the-ground reports from social enterprises around the world
Interview: Behind the scenes with leaders of social change
Practical Advice: Tips for social change leaders
Point-Counterpoint: One question, different points of view
Research Notes: Summaries and analysis of new social innovation research
Starting Up: SSIR's hub for students and others new to social innovation
Watchdog: Investigating organizations and the people who run them

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