Hematology Care Team

Attending Physicians
Attending physicians are doctors who have completed medical school, a residency specializing in pediatric medicine and a fellowship specializing in hematology. Attending physicians are responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of your child. In addition to providing medical care, attending physicians also have university teaching responsibilities. Attending physicians are on call 24 hours a day.

Nurse Practitioners
Nurse practitioners are registered nurses with advanced, master's degree training. After your child has been diagnosed by the hematology team, your child will most often be seen by a nurse practitioner who specializes in hematology and who works in collaboration with the attending physician.

Nurse Coordinators
Nurse coordinators provide a variety of services for specific groups of patients. Their responsibilities include education, coordination of annual exams, coordination with outside agencies and assistance with medical needs for travel.

  • JeanMarie Zoland, RN - Bleeding disorder nurse coordinator
  • Betsy Threadgill, RN - General hematology nurse coordinator

Social Worker
Social workers assist families with emotional as well as practical needs. They are available to help your child and your entire family cope with chronic illness and/or hospitalizations.

Fellows are doctors who are training to specialize in a particular diagnosis, such as hematology. Fellows have completed medical school and at least three years as pediatric residents. Many fellows have research experience as well. Fellows are on call after hours and on weekends.

Residents are doctors who have completed medical school and are between one and four years into their training in the general care of children. Residents typically rotate through specialty areas (including hematology) approximately every three weeks. Residents are often available 24 hours a day within the hospital setting.

Interns are first year residents.

Medical Student
Medical students are currently in medical school studying to become doctors. Within the hospital, they rotate among specialty services, such as hematology, every one to two months.