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All are welcome at Trinity!
We strive to create a space that welcomes all who worship with us. We invite all people to be a part of our community: children and families, single adults, couples, and people of all backgrounds and racial and ethnic groups. Trinity is an Oasis congregation in the Episcopal Church's Diocese of California, which means we are intentionally welcoming of people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender. Wherever you come from and whoever you are, you are welcome here.

Visit us at 330 Ravenswood Ave. Menlo Park, CA 94025

Sign up for our weekly email and access the email archive here!

(Click on the image above for a daily reflection from the monks of the SSJE)


Our Worship Schedule  

Our 8:00 am service takes place in the Chapel on all but the first Sunday of the month, when it is held in the Church.  The service is in traditional “thee,thou,thy” language (those familiar with The Episcopal Church know this as “Rite I”), includes Communion and Sermon, and a little bit of music.  It has a quiet, contemplative flavor.

Our 10:00 am service takes place in the Church, and is the service most people attend.  In an effort to meet the needs of a wide variety of people, this service follows a rotation over the course of each month so that the prayers used and the kind of music sung vary somewhat in style each week. On the last Sunday of most months, the music is led either by OMG: our Once a Month Group (contemporary music) or by our Bluegrass Group.

We also have a Healing Eucharist each Wednesday at 12:10 pm in the chapel.

On Friday mornings at 7 am, a group of people gather to share the service of Morning Prayer together.