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Home>Projects and Programs>Planning>Tamien Station Parking Structure Project

Tamien Station Parking Structure Project


The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) is proposing the Tamien Station Parking Structure (project). The project site is located within VTA’s existing Tamien Station surface parking lot in the City of San Jose in Santa Clara County, California. The regional location of the project and the project vicinity are shown on the map. To the north of the site are the on/off ramps for State Route 87 (SR 87, also known as Guadalupe Parkway), VTA’s Tamien Station northern parking lot and Willow Street; to the east is SR 87; to the south is Alma Avenue; and to the west are Lelong Street and the Guadalupe River.

Tamien Station Parking Structure Project
Final Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND)

VTA is proposing a four- or five-level parking structure within VTA’s existing Tamien Station Light Rail Transit surface parking lot in San José to accommodate future parking demand due to light rail and Caltrain operations. The parking structure would provide up to 900 parking spaces.

All comments on the draft document received during the public comment period which ended December 4, 2014 have been responded to in the Final IS/MND beginning on page 127. Note that there were four recurring themes among many of the comments: traffic/congestion, site design to facilitate pedestrian access, safety and security, and bicycle access/storage. Any edits to the draft document based on public comment are shown in red tracked changes in the Final IS/MND document. There were no changes to any of the technical appendices which were provided during the public review process and are available by request by sending an email to

Project Map

Go here to view simulation of the future parking (before and after).  

Project Purpose

The purpose of the project is to accommodate future parking demand due to light rail transit (LRT) and Caltrain operations.

Project Description

The project would consist of a four- or five-level parking structure with all levels above-grade. A four level structure would be approximately 40 feet high to the top of the parapet wall; a five level structure would be approximately 50 feet high. The parking structure would provide approximately 700 to 900 parking spaces. The location of the parking structure would require the existing bus transit loop to be relocated to the south side of the proposed parking structure. The map provides a conceptual site plan for the project and an illustration of the internal parking structure circulation.

Two entries/exists to the parking structure would be provided off Lelong Street. One entry would be exclusive to vehicle traffic entering/exiting the garage; the other entry would be shared between vehicles using the garage and buses using the bus transit loop. Three bus bays would be provided within the loop. A passenger drop off/pick up location would be located either in the bus transit loop area or in a turnout along Lelong Street.

Lighting would be provided within the parking structure, on the top deck, and elsewhere onsite for safety and security purposes. Fixtures would be specified to minimize lighting spillover into adjacent areas including the Guadalupe River.

The project involves implementation of infrastructure and utilities, as needed, to support the parking structure, including storm drains, water (for landscape irrigation and fire protection), and electricity. Utilities would connect to existing facilities within or adjacent to the project site.

Bioswales would be located around the parking structure to capture storm water runoff. Landscaping would include native and/or drought tolerant plants in accordance with VTA’s Sustainable Landscaping Policy.

Improvements to the pedestrian tunnel walkway under SR 87, which connects the VTA parking lot on the west side of SR 87 to the Caltrain parking lot on the east side of SR 87, are not included in the project.
Construction of the project is anticipated to begin in 2017 and continue for approximately 12 months. The project is anticipated to be in use by 2018. Construction would involve site preparation, grading, excavation, and structure construction. Construction staging would occur within the project site and the southern portion of VTA’s Tamien Station surface parking lot located to the north of the SR 87 on/off ramps.

The project would be built in phases to allow for minimal disruption to transit operations. The first phase would include reconfiguration of the bus transit loop slightly south of its existing location. During the first phase, bus operations maybe relocated to the Caltrain lot, east of SR 87, until the bus transit loop is reconstructed. The second phase would include construction of the parking structure, bioswales, and other project features. During construction, parking will be limited to a small portion of the northern lot located north of the SR 87 southbound off-ramp; therefore, VTA would redirect riders to the Curtner lot or other locations.

You can also email the project directly with questions and comments. Please send to

Project Fact Sheet

Preliminary Conceptual Design of Project Area

Link to full image