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Ellie Heart

57,881 views 7 months ago
HELP FUND THE NEXT BIG DFEAR MOVIE! http://igg.me/at/awaymovie

ORIGINAL MUSIC $4 ON BANDCAMP:http://domfera.bandcamp.com
SOMEONE STILL LOVES YOU BORIS YELTSIN:http://sslyby.bandcamp.com/

Written and Directed by Dom Fera, Age 20 (during production)
Starring Dom Fera, Seth King, and Jessica O'Brien
Production Designer - Sara Monahan
Director of Photography - Matt Morgan


Two high school boys discover that a messy basement storage room can be magically transformed with a simple key... and inside this enchanted room is Ellie Heart -- a fantasy girl in every sense. With a new place to hide from their problems, the boys find their ways to the next parts of their lives through jealousy, denial, and their differing relationships with the same dream girl. 

Funded entirely through Indie Go Go with the support of YouTube subscribers! Shot in July 2012 on the Red Epic. Winner of an Audience Award at NFFTY 2013, the largest film festival in the world for ages 22 and under. Playing this November at the 10th Annual Big Apple Film Festival. Show less
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Skits and sketches and things from 2012! Funny! Laugh! Martinis!
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