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Elemental Trailer: A Global Science Community

1,016 views 6 months ago
Boonsri Dickinson, a video scientist for Elemental, is starting a DIY science movement. Here is some info on the amazing researchers depicted in this trailer:

Adam Gazzaley, a neuroscience professor at the University of California, San Francisco, has a super cool neuroscience lab and studies the mechanisms of attention and memory: http://gazzaleylab.ucsf.edu

Ned Seeman, the father of the field of structural DNA nanotechnology, spoke to me in his lab at New York University: http://seemanlab4.chem.nyu.edu

David Crouse, director of the Center for Metamaterials at CUNY, spoke to me about more practical applications of metamaterials such as using microwave beams to charge electronics. However, I went in asking about invisibility cloaks, so he explained the science behind it. Here's more information on the NSF-sponsored industry/university cooperative research center: http://www.centerformetamat.... Here's more information on professor Crouse: http://www1.cuny.edu/mu/for....

Kent Kirshenbaum, chemistry professor at New York University, spoke about molecular gastronomy. But when I got there, professor Kirshenbaum told me he does molecular gastronomy for educational outreach. The cutting edge research in his lab deals with synthetic peptiods, which can be used to create a new class of drugs to treat diseases that don't respond well to what's currently on the market: http://chemistry.fas.nyu.ed...

Victor Torres, microbiology professor at NYU Langone Medical Center, spoke to me about MRSA and the techniques he uses in his lab to test possible drug molecules to see if they are biologically feasible. He compares the fight against MRSA to normal immune cells like a boxing match: http://microbiology-parasit...

Dickson Despommier is a Columbia University ecology professor who developed the idea of vertical farming. His Tedx talk explains more about the concept of a vertical farm and how it is a solution to modern agricultural practices and urban living: http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Howard Stone, who is a professor in mechanical and aerospace engineering at Princeton University. Stone spoke to me about what happens to fluids when there's a low Reynolds number flow as well as what other fluid dynamic concepts. Going to professor Stone's lab was particularly nostalgic for me when he showed me microfluidics, which reminded me of my first chemical engineering lab experience. Stone is the winner of the inaugural Batchelor Prize, sponsored by the Journal of Fluid Mechanics: http://www.princeton.edu/ma...

Andrew Farnsworth is a professor at Cornell Lab of Ornithology, who studies the flight calls of migrating birds. I went to Central Park to go bird watching and discuss the science behind the flight calls: http://www.birds.cornell.ed...

Lucianne Walkowicz is a Henry Norris Russell Fellow in the Department of Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton University and a 2012 TED Senior Fellow. Since Walkowicz's work is on a computer, we chatted in a studio about her work on NASA's Kepler mission and how the high energy radiation from stars can be used to identify habitable planets around alien suns.

The prototype I got stuck in is the C-1. I spoke to Danny Kim, founder of Lit Motors, and realized that gyroscopic motion is at the heart of the 2-wheeled electric vehicle that won't tip over. http://litmotors.com/c1/

The soundtrack music is from Creative Commons: Talk to me by Jahzzar [http://freemusicarchive.org...] Show less
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