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Skins Channel Trailer

51,122 views 5 months ago
The Skins YouTube Channel is here to bring you drama, music, fashion, interviews, behind the scenes and more. For all this and the best bits of previous Skins seasons make sure you subscribe - http://bit.ly/OhaqqS

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Skins Focus Play

We meet with actors, artists and directors all closely related to Skins and find out how they got into their chosen career and what advice they would give people wanting to follow a similar path.

Skins Slap Play

Skins Slap is a new Make Up show on the Skins channel hosted by YouTuber Prince Of Vanity.

Skins Opening Title Sequences Play

A collection of the opening title sequences from all 6 series of Skins as well as a special Skins Focus episode with visual artist Tal Rosner.
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