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Road & Track Revival Preview: Featuring Robby Gordon, Patrick Long, Brian Deegan and Friends

20,758 views 1 year ago
The all new Road & Track hits subscribers' mailboxes and newsstands very soon. It's been a labor of love, putting together a ground-up redesign of the magazine that begins with the May 2013 issue. You can see the new logo and the cover over at Jalopnik. Go ahead and have a look.

With that completely new design comes a renewed enthusiasm and a fresh approach. You'll be entertained and informed, and you'll reconnect with the emotions that make you love cars to begin with. Because that's what this all boils down to.

That basic love and enthusiasm. The happiness that cars bring us.

We're really excited, and we're glad you're here for the revival. Enjoy this preview of what's in store: Show less
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