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Happy Cancerversary

446 views 2 weeks ago
A year ago, I beat some cancer in the face. Today, I am celebrating a year of health, personal growth, and a renewed excitement about life.

In this video, I am reading a poem by Shel Silverstein, one of my very favorite writers. A year ago, I selected to read this poem on camera to make this video because I wanted to pay respect to the fact that, throughout my cancer journey, I felt like I'd learned a valuable lesson about not sitting around thinking (or talking about) what you'd like to do later at some point, but actually DOING it, right now. I became very aware of how fleeting health can be, and how much each moment of health should be utilized for doing the things that matter, not putting them off for later.

...On that note, tomorrow I am leaving for Maui, Hawaii. BOOM. Show less
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