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Will Dixon

Life in the Rear View Mirror - Will Dixon (Official Video)

2,717 views 9 months ago
I am pleased to present to you the first track off my new debut album "These Aren't the Songs You're Looking For"!!!

Buy the album on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us...

Buy the album on Bandcamp (go here for physical CDs!): http://willdixon.bandcamp.com/

Become my patron (and get a discount code for the album!): http://patreon.com/willdixon

If you're coming to Summer in the City 2013, make sure you pick up a copy of the CD before everyone else while it's on sale on the merch stand! I will be performing on the main stage at 13:35 on sunday, see you then!

The album was produced by Jimmy Balch in London. If you enjoy the album, please do share it, and this music video, in every way you can and let me know what you think of it! Feel free to write reviews of it, send it to important people, listen to it on a boombox while walking in the park, anything to help promote it if you feel it deserves to be promoted. A lot of time, money, and energy went into this, not all of it mine, so I'd love to see it reach as many people as possible.

Music video credits (hire these people immediately):

Director, Director of Photography, and Editor: Hayden Hillier-Smith (hayden.hilliersmith@gmail.com­)

2nd Director & VFX: Matt Amys

Female lead: Natalie Slade (natalie.slade1@ntlworld.com)

Male lead & Music: Will Dixon

Thank you all again for your support, it's about time stuff started happening!

Will :) Show less
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