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Olivia Lee

7 Characteristics of Living Things | Kanye West Cover - "Homecoming" | EP. 1

392 views 1 month ago
All clips used for educational purposes ONLY!

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Watch other species' process of metamorphosis here: http://youtu.be/8OKQM9D1xQQ


Subscribe to Barcroft TV for more incredibly unique biology-related videos about animals and people: https://www.youtube.com/bar...


Enjoy the COMPLETE sunflower time-lapse animation, (along with other time-lapse animations and interactive applications), here: http://youtu.be/g8mr0R3ibPU


Check out more music from Donovan Brown's group, "The Black Noise" on their SoundCloud page! https://soundcloud.com/the-...


And last but certainly not least, Darwin's superhero profile: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...)


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