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Our Origins Made Easy Play

This series takes explains the science of where we came from -- from the Big Bang to the human migration out of Africa. How stars and planets were formed, how life could have originated, how and why it evolved, and how it led to us -- along with the evidence that supports these conclusions. I originally made this series because I was on a discussion forum with creationists who clearly had no understanding of the science, and I felt it needed to be explained, and set against religious beliefs that attempt to undermine it. The series can be found in DVD quality at http://www.youtube.com/user/madeeasyseries. Feel free to download and copy under creative commons rules.

Climate change explained, and the myths debunked Play

There is a lot of inaccurate nonsense about climate science written in blogs and the media, whether exaggerating the effects of climate change or seeking to undermine the science behind it. This series checks the sources of these claims and shows how they have been misinterpreted or deliberately altered. I have no expertise in climatology, I am a former science journalist, so checking facts is what I do. And I always cite these sources so you can check them for yourselves. Along the way, I explain the real science as relayed by researchers in published papers, in a way that makes it easy to understand.
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