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Sally Le Page

Shed Science: Underwater sound safari

5,950 views 4 months ago
I got to borrow a hydrophone, so what better thing to do than to take you with me to the seaside and do a bit of rockpooling! You might have seen these underwater animals on your holidays, but have you ever listened to them? And do you know the difference between a prawn and a shrimp? Or how to do animal origami? If you've ever asked any of these questions, well isn't this your lucky day! :P

It would mean a lot to me if you could share this video, because it really helps me out at a time when YouTube is trying to make everything difficult.

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Many many thanks to the people of iSpot (ispotnature.org) - the most fantastic website where you can upload photos of organisms and get help identifying them. No particular references for this video, but I used two books to help me ID the animals as I found them:
Great British Marine Animals 2nd ed., Paul Naylor (Really beautiful book with lovely explanations and gorgeous photos)
Photographic Guide to the Sea & Shore Life of Britain and North-west Europe, Ray Gibson, Benedict Hextall, Alex Rogers (More comprehensive book but harder to use)

For those of you dedicated enough to read the description, I'd love to hear any constructive criticism you have about this or any of my other videos. This one in particular I have lots of niggles with, so I'd be interested to hear what you pick up on. Show less
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