dharmacakra The Buddhist Community At Stanford

BCAS Activities

All students are welcome to our events, regardless of religious affiliation or experience.

We regularly invite Buddhist teachers from different groups and traditions to visit us and offer meditation instruction and dharma talks, often co-sponsored with the Ho Center for Buddhist Studies. Please see the program page for details of upcoming events. Our regular groups meet as follows:

  • Regular morning meditation sessions are held on weekday mornings (i.e. Monday to Friday) in the CIRCLE Sanctuary, with sitting beginning at 8.15am.
  • The BCAS Zen Sangha meets on Monday evenings from 6.15pm, under the guidance of Myoan Grace Schireson.
  • Weekly Zen meditation sessions are hosted by the Stanford Zen Sociey in association with BCAS — see the program and the Stanford Zen Society mailing list for details.
  • The Midday Mindfulness group meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1pm in the CIRCLE Sanctuary; the mailing list for this group can be found here.

Other events, including study groups, film screenings, visits to local Buddhist centers and short retreats are arranged according to interest. If you would like to know more, please get involved!

Most of our events take place in the CIRCLE Sanctuary on the 3rd floor of the Old Union building, and all are free and open to all.