Videos Tagged Empathy
Science of Compassion 2014: Introduction to the Science of Empathy, Altruism, and Compassion
Emma Seppala & Edwin Rutsch: How to Build a Culture of Empathy & Compassion
Leah Weiss Ekstrom & Edwin Rutsch: How to Build a Culture of Empathy & Compassion
CCARE Articles Tagged Empathy
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Events Tagged Empathy

Film Screening: “The 5 Powers: Superheroes of Peace”

Written By CCARE Staff
  • October 9, 2015 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

485 Lasuen Mall, Stanford, CA 94305 United States

About the Event Please join CCARE, The Stanford Storytelling Project, and Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s international community of monks and nuns for a special screening and panel discussion of The 5 Powers on Friday, October 9 at 6:30pm at Stanford University’s Cubberley Auditorium. Learn how to access the power of mindfulness to effect change within (more…)

Blog Posts Tagged Empathy

Just by looking at someone, you experience them. Ever fallen in love at first sight or had a “gut feeling” about someone? You internally resonated with them. Ever seen someone trip and momentarily felt a twinge of pain for them? Observing them activates the “pain matrix” in your brain,research shows. Ever been moved by the sight of a person helping someone? You …


Science suggests that compassion may well be the most important thing in your life. 1. It makes us happy (as happy as getting money)! A brain-imaging study headed by neuroscientist Jordan Grafman from the National Institute of Health showed that the “pleasures centers” in the brain, i.e. the parts of our brains that are active when we experience pleasure (like …


The Science of Compassion

Written By James R. Doty, MD

Why, in a country that consumes 25% of the world’s resources (the U.S.), is there an epidemic of loneliness, depression, and anxiety? Why do so many in the West who have all of their basic needs met still feel impoverished? While some politicians might answer, “It’s the economy, stupid,” Based on scientific evidence, a better answer is, “It’s the lack …


The Science of Compassion

Written By James R. Doty, MD

It is indeed a paradox that so many from what are considered developing countries wish to come to the West, where we have an epidemic of depression, isolation, and loneliness, while the U.S. alone consumes 25 percent of the world’s resources. However, it is often these “third-world” cultures that offer some of the most profound wisdom and insights that have been garnered over …