Recent News & Announcements

December 2015
CEC group bids farewell to Dr. Vikram Vishal, Fulbright Scholar, as he starts his new position as assistant professor at IIT, Mumbai.

December 2015
Albert attended the 2015 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting & Exhibit in Boston, MA and presented his work.

November 2015
Jen was recently interviewed by ACS Central Science. Check out the interview here!

November 2015
Bryce and Simona had the great opportunity to travel to WPI to work in Prof. Yi Hua Ma's Center for Inorganic Membrane Studies. They learned the fabrication process of pure palladium and Pd alloy hydrogen permeable membranes. Following the fabrication, experimental testing were carried out at the Institute of Membrane Technology (ITM-CNR), which is housed at Simona's alma mater the University of Calabria in southern Italy. Multiple experiments were conducted related to natural gas reforming varying GHSV and feed compositions. In turn, an abstract was submitted to the European Fuel Cell 2015 meeting in Naples, Italy.

November 2015
CEC group attended AIChE 2015 in Salt Lake City, UT. Albert, Kyoungjin, and Pete presented their research work.

November 2015
Ji-Eun attended ACS Western Regional Meeting 2015 in San Marcos, CA and presented her poster on "Synthesis and Characterization of Hematite Nanoparticles for Mercury Capture".

June 2015
CEC group members attended the Gordon Research Conference on "Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage: Defining the Frontiers" in Easton, MA. Jen gave a talk titled "Nitrogen-Doped Micro and Mesoporous Physisorbents for Carbon Capture". Vikram, Jiajun, and Randall also presented their work.

June 2015
Simona, Charles, Kyoungjin, Bryce, and Mengyao presented their research at the North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Annual Meeting in Boston, MA.
Congratulations go to Kyoungjin, whose poster was chosen as Honorable Mention in Membrane Synthesis at the student poster competition.

May 2015
Congratulations to Bryce, who recently won the department's William H. Brigham Memorial Award (Best Department Citizen). The award recognizes a student or a staff member who generously contributes their time to improve the lives of others.

April 2015
Congratulations to CEC group members on their awards at SE3's 12th Annual Research Review!

Charles: 2nd place in oral presentations
Kyoungjin: 1st place in poster presentations
Praveen: 2nd place in poster presentations

The oral and poster presentation awardees were chosen from 38 and 24 entries, respectively. Jiajun and Mengyao also presented their research at the poster presentation session.

March 2015
Jen was recently interviewed about her involvement in a report supported by the National Academy of Sciences. Check out the interview here and download the report here!

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