» Real-Time PCR

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  Genomic Services
• Oligo Synthesis
• Gene Expression
   & Bioanalyzer
• Real-Time PCR
• Pyrosequencing
• Next Gen Sequencing
• DNA Sequencing
   & Fragment Analysis
  Protein Services
• Peptide Synthesis
• Mass Spectrometry
• Protein Analytics
‡ Mass Mapping
‡ Edman Sequencing
• Biacore
• Antibody
Located in rooms
B065 and B017


Real-Time PCR



The StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR System is a 96-well Real-Time PCR instrument perfect for both first-time and experienced users. Capable of running both Taqman and SybrGreen assays.


• StepOnePlus system is designed for compatibility with TaqMan® Assays and SybrGreen chemistry. The software supports a variety of analysis methods, including:

  • Absolute Quantitation
  • Standard Curve
  • Relative Quantitation
  • Relative Standard Curve
  • Comparative CT (∆∆ CT)
  • Presence/absence (Plus/Minus) assays with an internal positive control
  • Melt curve analysis
  • Genotyping (including real-time amplification)
stepone instrument
amplification curve

Our service can be tailored to individual requirement:

  • Self-Service: Customers are required to make a reservation before using the machine by signing up on the StepONE Calendar. Customers provide all reagents and consumables. A FREE copy of the StepOnePlus software can be obtained from PAN or through ABI. PAN can provide assistance on plate setup, instrument use, software, and/or data analysis, please contact Alberto Lovell at 650-723-3189 for more information.

  • Full Service: Customers provide total RNA samples and primers (either Taqman or SybrGreen), the PAN Facility carries out the qPCR and provides the customer with a detailed report. Please contact Alberto Lovell at 650-723-3189 for more information.

Please contact us to discuss your individual requirements.

Contact:   Alberto Lovell
Phone: (650) 723-3189
Email: alberto5@stanford.edu