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Supplemental Data from Papers Published by our Laboratory



Yoo, Andrew S., Staahl, Brett T, Chen, Lei and Gerald R. Crabtree MicroRNA-Mediated Switching of Chromatin Remodeling Complexes in Neural Development. Nature, July 2009 Supplemental Data


Lena Ho, Raja Jothi, Jehnna L. Ronan, Kairong Cui, Keji Zhao, Gerald R. Crabtree, An Embryonic Stem Cell Chromatin Remodeling Complex, esBAF is an Essential Component of the Core Pluripotency Transcriptional Network Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Mar 31;106(13):5187-91.

Lena Hoa, Jehnna L. Ronanb, Jiang Wuc, Brett Staahld, Lei Chenc, Ann Kuoc, Julie Lessard1, Alexey I. Nesvizhskiie, Jeff Ranishf, and Gerald R. Crabtreec, An embryonic stem cell chromatin remodelingcomplex, esBAF, is essential for embryonic stem cell self-renewal and pluripotency Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Mar 31;106(13):5181-6. Epub 2009 Mar 11. PMID: 19279220

Jiang Wu, Julie Lessard and Gerald R. Crabtree; Understanding the Words of Chromatin Regulation Cell 136:200-6, 2009 PMID: 19167321

Shih-Chu Kao, Hai Wu, Jianming Xie, Ching-Pin Chang, Jeffrey A. Ranish, Isabella A. Graef, and Gerald R. Crabtree; Calcineurin/NFAT Signaling Is Required for Neuregulin-Regulated Schwann Cell Differentiation Science 323:651-4, 2009 PMID: 19179536

Lazarevic V, Zullo AJ, Schweitzer MN, Staton TL, Gallo EM, Crabtree GR, Glimcher LH.The gene encoding early growth response 2, a target of the transcription factor NFAT, is required for the development and maturation of natural killer T cells. Nat Immunol. 2009 Mar;10(3):306-13. Epub 2009 Jan 25. PMID: 19169262

Elena M Gallo, Ho L, Winslow MM, Staton TL, Crabtree GR.Selective role of calcineurin in haematopoiesis and lymphopoiesis. EMBO Rep. 2008 Nov;9(11):1141-8. Epub 2008 Sep 26. PMID: 18818667

Gallo EM, Winslow MM, Canté-Barrett K, Radermacher AN, Ho L, McGinnis L, Iritani B, Neilson JR, Crabtree GR. Calcineurin sets the bandwidth for discrimination of signals during thymocyte development. Nature 2007 Nov 29;450(7170):731-5. PMID: 18046413

Lessard J, Wu JI, Ranish JA, Wan M, Winslow MM, Staahl BT, Wu H, Aebersold R, Graef IA, Crabtree GR .An essential switch in subunit composition of a chromatin remodeling complex during neural development. Neuron 55, 201-15 (2007). See comment by Rusty Gage Neuron. 2007 Jul 19;55(2):171-3.

Wu JI, Lessard J, Olave IA, Qiu Z, Ghosh A, Graef IA, Crabtree GR. Regulation of dendritic development by neuron-specific chromatin remodeling complexes Neuron 2007 Oct 4;56(1):94-108. PMID: 17920018

Liu, K. J., Arron, J. R., Stankunas, K., Crabtree, G. R. & Longaker, M. T. Chemical rescue of cleft palate and midline defects in conditional GSK-3beta mice. Nature 446, 79-82 (2007).

Heit, J. J. et al. Calcineurin/NFAT signalling regulates pancreatic beta-cell growth and function. Nature 443, 345-9 (2006).

Winslow MM, Gallo EM, Neilson JR, Crabtree GR.The calcineurin phosphatase complex modulates immunogenic B cell responses.
Immunity. 2006 Feb;24(2):141-52.PMID: 16473827

Arron, J. R. et al. NFAT dysregulation by increased dosage of DSCR1 and DYRK1A on chromosome 21. Nature 441, 595-600 (2006).

Gestwicki J, Crabtree GR and Graef IA Harnessing Chaperones to Generate Potent Small Molecule Inhibitors of Amyloid Aggregation. Science, Oct 29, 2004 p 865-869, PDF or HTML For information from the popular press see BBC News, or Scientific American (PDF), or CNN News (PDF), or Chemical Engineering News, or HHMI Report, or ABC News

Chang, CP, Neilson, J.R. Bayle, J.H., Gestwicki, J.E., Kuo, a. Stankunas, K. Graef, IA and Crabtree G.R. A Field of Calcineurin-NFAT signaling underlies heart valve morphogenesis, Cell Sept 3rd 2004. Note the cover design and the accompanying editorial. PDF or HTLM for the paper, PDF or HTML for the Editorial

Rose RB, Pullen KE, Bayle JH, Crabtree GR, Alber T.Biochemical and structural basis for partially redundant enzymatic and transcriptional functions of DCoH and DCoH2.
Biochemistry. 2004 Jun 15;43(23):7345-55

Parsons SA, Millay DP, Wilkins BJ, Bueno OF, Tsika GL, Neilson JR, Liberatore CM, Yutzey KE, Crabtree GR, Tsika RW, Molkentin JD. Genetic loss of calcineurin blocks mechanical overload-induced skeletal muscle fiber type switching but not hypertrophy.
J Biol Chem. 2004 Jun 18;279(25):26192-200.

Brand M, Ranish JA, Kummer NT, Hamilton J, Igarashi K, Francastel C, Chi TH, Crabtree GR, Aebersold R, Groudine M. Dynamic changes in transcription factor complexes during erythroid differentiation revealed by quantitative proteomics.
Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2004 Jan;11(1):73-80. PDF

Neilson JR, Winslow MM, Hur EM, Crabtree GR.
Calcineurin B1 is essential for positive but not negative selection during thymocyte development. Immunity. 2004 Mar;20(3):255-66.

Stankunas et al. Condtional Protein Alleles Using Knock-in Mice and a Chemical Inducer of Dimerization Mol Cell Dec 12, 1615-1624, 2003.HTML PDF

Graef I.A. et al Neurotrophins and netrins require calcineurin/NFAT signaling to stimulate outgrowth of embryonic axons.Cell. 2003 May 30;113(5):657-70. HTML PDF

Chi et al. Sequential roles of Brg, the ATPase subunit of BAF chormatin remodeling complexes in thymocyte development. Immunity 2003, 169-182 HTML PDF

Chang CP, et al. Sonographic staging of the developmental status of mouse embryos in utero.Genesis. 2003 May;36(1):7-11. HTML

Olave IA, et al Nuclear actin and actin-related proteins in chromatin remodeling.
Annu Rev Biochem. 2002;71:755-81. HTML

Crabtree GR, Olson EN. NFAT signaling: choreographing the social lives of cells.
Cell. 2002 Apr;109 67-79. HTML PDF

Olave I, et al Identification of a polymorphic, neuron-specific chromatin remodeling complex.Genes Dev. 2002 Oct 1;16(19):2509-17. HTML PDF

Sheridan et al. Protein kinase A negatively modulates the nuclear accumulation of NF-ATc1 by priming for subsequent phosphorylation by glycogen synthase kinase-3.J Biol Chem. 2002 Dec 13;277(50):48664-76 HTML

Diehn M, et al .Genomic expression programs and the integration of the CD28 costimulatory signal in T cell activation.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 Sep 3;99(18):11796-801. HTML

Chi et al.Reciprocal regulation of CD4/CD8 expression by SWI/SNF-like BAF complexes.Nature. 2002 Jul 11;418(6894):195-9. HTML PDF










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