
Two fonts are recommended for use in Stanford communication: “Source Sans Pro” and “Crimson Text.” Remember to treat the Stanford wordmark as artwork, it cannot be accurately reproduced by using a serif font (like Crimson Text, for example).

Source Sans Pro

Source Sans Pro should be used in unit signatures alongside the Stanford wordmark and can also be used as a primary sans-serif font in your print and online communications.

  • Source Sans Pro Light
  • Source Sans Pro Light italic
  • Source Sans Pro Book
  • Source Sans Pro Book italic
  • Source Sans Pro
  • Source Sans Pro italic
  • Source Sans Pro Semibold
  • Source Sans Pro Semibold italic
  • Source Sans Pro Bold
  • Source Sans Pro Bold italic
  • Source Sans Pro Black
  • Source Sans Pro Black italic

Crimson Text

Crimson Text (also referred to sometimes as just “Crimson”) is a companion serif font for use in both print and online communications.

  • Crimson
  • Crimson italic
  • Crimson Semibold
  • Crimson Semibold italic
  • Crimson Bold
  • Crimson Bold italic

Other Alternative Fonts

You might also consider the following alternative fonts. They are not preferred, but are ones which may already be available to you:
  • Gill Sans (sans serif)
  • News Gothic (sans serif)
  • Minion Pro (serif)
  • Times New Roman (serif)