Research Management Group (RMG)

The V Foundation
2018 Cancer Research Program
V Scholar Award

**Limited $200,000 funding opportunity for all Stanford assistant professors with UTL, MCL, and NTLR faculty appointments** (see eligibility below) whose research involves either laboratory-based fundamental research or translational cancer. Any area of cancer research is eligible. A university-wide internal selection process is required.


The 2018 internal deadline has passed. This webpage is for your reference only.

# of applicants permitted: 1


Internal Cancer Institute deadline (one page proposal):  Friday, March 16, 2018, 5 p.m. see internal submission guidelines below.
Cancer Institute will notify the applicant selected that he/she can proceed with the full application/proposal: March 28, 2018
Cancer Institute to submit the name and contact information of the applicant to the V Foundation: April 2, 2018
(The foundation will then contact the applicant to provide the online application system.)
Completed PDRF form and complete application materials must be submitted to the applicant's RPM: April 24, 2018
Online application to be submitted to the V Foundation: May 1, 2018


Download a PDF file of the guidelines  pdf


Amount of funding:
Each grant will total $200,000, and is given in two annual installments of $100,000 each.
Only direct costs of the research are supported by this award.

The V Scholar Program – Designed to identify, retain and further the careers of talented young investigators. Provides funds directly to young scientists who are developing their own independent laboratory research projects. These grants enable talented young scientists to establish their laboratories and gain a competitive edge necessary to earn additional funding from other sources. The V Scholars determine how to best use the funds in their research projects.

The V Foundation for Cancer Research submits Requests for Proposals (RFPs) to the directors of National Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated facilities and prominent universities involved in critical cancer research throughout the United States.  

Among our highly ranked finalists for the 2018 V Scholar program, we will designate at least one of the highest ranked applications from a minority applicant as the recipient of a 2018 Stuart Scott Memorial Fund V Scholar Award.

Special Focus area: Any area of cancer research is eligible

Previous recipients

There were Stanford Scholar Award recipients in 2012, 2013 and 2014.




By Friday, March 16, 2018, 5 p.m., please submit a PDF file [File name: Last name_V_Foundation_Scholar] containing the following via email attachment to:

Denise Baughman
Project Manager
Stanford Cancer Institute

One page summary describing your research project
(Format: single-spaced, Arial font size 11 or larger, 1 inch margins)
The V Foundation for Cancer Research
V Foundation Scholar Award
Project title
PI name, title, type of appointment (MCL or UTL), department, email address
If applicable: please designate** if you are African American or of African descent, Hispanic American, Hispanic or Latino/Latina persons and Native American and/or an Alaskan Native
One page summary describing your research project

**Among the highly ranked finalists for the 2018 V Scholar Award, the foundation will designate at least one of the highest ranked applications from a minority applicant as the recipient of a 2018 Stuart Scott Memorial Fund V Scholar Award.

Denise Baughman
Project Manager
Administration Office
Stanford Cancer Center
Lorry Lokey Building, G2103I
265 Campus Drive
Stanford, CA 94305-5456
t 650-724-9547
f 650-736-0607


Selection process:
A small committee will decide which proposal should go forward based on merit and we will notify everyone within 5 days of making the final decision.


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