Tree Encyclopedia

Tree Maps & Walks

Leaf Silhouette Gallery


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Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in contacting us. We welcome queries about the trees on campus, suggestions and tree-related stories for this site, reports of any errors, and comments on what you like about this site. Our most immediate need is for the tree locations in the encyclopedia entries to be reviewed. If you would like to volunteer to help, let us know what genus or other group of trees you’d like to review the locations of.

Sairus Patel and John Rawlings curate and maintain this site. Contact Sairus at and John at

Pacific Horticulture cover story:
Party with Trees: The dramatic and marvelous trees of Stanford by Devaki Bhaya
stone pine
“It was serendipity. I bought Trees of Stanford by Ron Bracewell from a used bookstore...”

The Stanford Daily: Classy Classes: Party with Trees in Bio29N (26 Feb 2015)

BIO 29N: “Party with Trees!” Winter 2014–2015 Course website

Past Event Highlight:
Trees of Stanford: A Walk through Time

Oct 10, 2015. Panel discussion with celebrated tree experts:

  • Herb Fong Stanford Grounds guru for over 36 years.
  • Matt Ritter Author of “A Californian’s Guide to the Trees Among Us.”
  • Dave Muffly Senior Arborist for Apple.

Moderated by Sairus Patel. Guided tree walks afterwards. Co-presented by Canopy and the Stanford Historical Society.

We have a new Site Updates page so that you can follow the content and design changes happening on this site. Check back for progress reports. We welcome your feedback and your help in updating the tree locations (contact us).