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Chemical Waste Program
Pollution Prevention / Waste Minimization
--CFL Recycling
--Lab Bottle Recycling
--Surplus Chemical Distribution
--Mercury Therm. Replacement
--Lab Product Substitution
--Lab Process Modification
--Battery Recycling Program
Spare the Air Program
Radioactive Waste Program
Electronic Waste Recycling

Safety & Compliance Assistance Program


Radioactive Waste Program

The Radioactive Waste Program is just one of the many service oriented programs here at EH&S. In addition to providing guidance to laboratories, the campus and the community on radioactive materials management, we also strive to provide the best possible service. Whether it be promptly picking up your radioactive materials, answering questions, or providing assistance we are here to help.

There are numerous government regulations that govern how to identify, minimize, contain and dispose of radioactive waste. Stanford has an obligation to explain to you all the rules and regulations that come with working with radioactive materials. With the campus and the community in mind we are here to facilitate compliance. We will help in any way that we can.

For radioactive waste management procedures and guidelines related to:

  • Dry waste
  • Sharps
  • Non-chemically contaminated radioactive waste
  • Mixed waste
  • Scintillation vials

See pages 52 - 58 in the Radiation Safety Manual.

New Disposal Request Protocols:

A pre-numbered multi-copy "Radioactive Waste Inventory Form" is provided by EH&S with each dry waste box, solidification kit, sharps container or scintillation vial bucket.

One copy of this form must be affixed to your waste container at all times.

To ensure timely service, submit your request approximately two weeks before the container is full. You must provide all information on the form before requesting pickup of your waste. For more detailed instructions on using the Inventory Form click here.

To request pickup of Radioactive Waste, click here.

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