Industrial Contracts Office
3000 El Camino Real

Building 5, Suite 300
Palo Alto, CA 94306

FOR RESEARCHERS – Sponsored Research Agreement Information


Sponsored Research Agreements (SRAs) are for research funded at the university.  ICO negotiates SRAs when industry sponsors provide funding to the university for a specific project and the sponsor expects intellectual property rights or reports from the research.  For more information, please refer to our Sponsored Research Agreement Template. Industrial funded clinical trial agreements are handled by Clinical Trail Reseach Management Group (CT-RMG) and federal funded clinical trial agreements are handled by the Office of Sponsored Research (OSR).

What do I do if I have an industry SRA?

If the PI is in the School of Medicine: Please contact the appropriate Research Process Manager (RPM) at the Research Management Group (RMG) to assist with completing a Proposal Development & Routing Form (PDRF) and budget.  The RPM will forward the completed PDRF, (formerly known as SU-42 form), budget and statement of work and other related documents to ICO.

If the PI is in the School of Humanities and Sciences, Graduate School of Business, Law School, or School of Education: Please contact the appropriate Contracts Officer at the OSR, H&S and Other Schools Team to assist with completing a PDRF and budget.  The OSR Contract Officer will forward the completed PDRF, budget, and statement of work and other related documents to ICO.

If the PI is in the School of Engineering or one of the Independent Labs: Please contact the appropriate Engineering Research Administrator at Engineering Research Administration (ERA) to assist with completing PDRF and budget.  ERA will forward to OSR for processing and OSR will forward the completed PDRF, budget, and statement of work and other related documents to ICO. After we have reviewed the documents, we will contact the PI.  We will contact the sponsor to negotiate the terms of the SRA as needed.

Master Agreements


Master Agreements, sometimes called "blanket" or "umbrella" agreements, are used when a company expects to fund multiple projects with Stanford over a long period of time.  In such cases, we pre-negotiate the legal terms and conditions of the agreement.  When a new project is proposed, the terms of the Master Agreement are incorporated by reference, and only the statement of work/protocol, time period, and budget change.  

Stanford has Master agreements in place with ABB, Agilent, Airbus S.A.S, Amgen, Aramco Services, BEI Research, Boeing, Calypso, CyberHeart, Chevron, ETC, Daimler Chrysler, Elekta, ENI, Exxon Mobil Exploration , Ford, Genentech, General Electric, General Motors, Gilead, Hewlett-Packard, Hoffmann-LaRoche, Google, L’Oreal, Ingrain, Nodality, Novo Nordisk, Nokia, NTT, Organogenesis, Pharmacyclic, Pfizer, Philips, Quest , Roche, Samsung, Sanofi US Services, SAP, Semiconductor Research Corp., Siemens, SuperSonic, Varian Medical Systems, and Volkswagen of America.